Welcome back Natural Health Family. What a great weather weekend, I hope you all got outside and enjoyed it. As we head into the holidays we will start to decorate, prepare plans, go to parties, eat more food, and connect with friends and family. The holiday season can lead to us feeling overwhelmed with all that has to be done. However, let’s remember what the holidays are really about. To remind us of how precious life is, to be grateful for what life has to offer, and to share in the spirit of giving what we can to others even if that just means our presence.
When it comes to all of the holiday prepping what do you think about? Many times it can be all the shoulds, have tos, and must get dones. Although the holidays do bring up more things to get done, we can do them in a different spirit or attitude. Many times we get caught up in all the hustle and bustle that even when the time comes to enjoy the fruits of the labor we are off trying to figure out something else to get done. This is usually due to how our society has developed and the fast-paced speed that the world tends to move.
So, as the holidays approach, remember to take it slow. See that all the activities are fun ways to express more of life. Even Scrooge’s lesson was that you can have many things, but it is the spirit of it all that helps even the smallest of things have more value. Have a great week!
-Dr. Chip