Avoiding Hidden Sugars

 Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

                I hope
that you have a great weekend and were able to get your Christmas shopping
almost done.  It seems like we’re never
completely done until the last day as we keep thinking of ways to help others
be happy during the holidays.  It almost
becomes like an obsessive/ compulsive disorder. 
We’ve lucked out with some halfway decent weather but I’m sure it will
get cold eventually.  We’re seeing
several patients now with colds and flu which usually happens when they start
with the jabs.  It’s just really
important to realize that we have an immune system that can keep us from having
problems if we strengthen it during the cold weather.  All that mainstream medicine wants to do is
worry about the bugs and give no good information on strengthening your immune
system.  It’s the opposite here at
Natural Health, where we focus on how the body is supposed to work and the
underlying causes of why a person gets sick.

                We are
getting a lot of attention now on our health shops and this week we’re talking
about why to avoid sugar and the hidden dangers there.  This month were talking about getting ready
for winter and realizing that there are things you can do to avoid the colds
and flu that normally come with the cold weather.  Winter can be enjoyable if you keep your
immune system tuned up, stay hydrated, and keep the humidity at a good amount
in your house.  The holidays are always a
stress for folks because it’s so busy and people are not eating very well.  They made eat a lot but it’s the wrong kind
of foods.  That’s what we’ll talk a lot
about in the health shop this week.  And
it’s not to say you can never have any sweets, but just know to limit them and
eat lots of good foods at other times.

article that I’m sending along this week goes along with this theme.  It talks about the natural remedies to handle
colds and flu.  There are many good
things to help with sickness, once you have them, but there are many advertised
products that actually make the problem worse. 
This article goes into explaining about why that is.  If people ever figure out that they have an
immune system that they can strengthen themselves and have the ability to heal
their own bodies from illnesses, the advertisers’ and mainstream medicine will
be in quite a state.  If they can get you
to believe that it’s all about bugs and genetics, then they can convince you
that you have no way of helping yourself. 
Of course, the opposite is true, and that’s what we were helping
patients with here at Natural Health. 
Your genes are only a blueprint and it’s the environments, which
includes diet, that controls which genes are turned on and off.  It’s also important to realize that the body
is supposed to run on certain foods and many of the processed foods that are in
grocery stores are anti foods, meaning there a detriment to being actually
healthy.  Again, it’s not to say you can
never have those foods but realize what they are, not nutrition and not helping
the body to heal or strengthen itself.  

Click here to read article 

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well-Dr. Mark