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Dr Mark
Kendra Sanchez
May 6, 20243 min read
Women's Health: What is hormone balance?
This coming week we’ll be talking about Hormone Imbalance and should be an interesting topic. Over the years, we’ve treated many patients with hot flashes and other hormone imbalances, and find that diet has a lot to do with it. Also, when women go through menopause, the adrenal glands take over and most of them are already stressed anyway.
Kendra Sanchez
Apr 29, 20243 min read
Swollen Lymph Glands
This week we’re talking about swollen lymph glands. It’s important to realize that swollen lymph glands are normal when the body is working on certain things. Most people think that swollen lymph glands mean they have some kind of cancer or something but that’s not normally the case. We try to get our patients to understand how the body works, and how the body works correctly so that it can regain and maintain real health.
Kendra Sanchez
Apr 22, 20242 min read
Headaches and Sinus Drainage
We’re talking about headaches and sinus drainage. I think we’re doing a good job of making these health shops have good simple information that people can use, and keeping them fairly short so the viewer doesn’t have to spend a lot of time learning about health. And were talking real health here, not just medication to cover up symptoms or handle the condition.
Kendra Sanchez
Apr 16, 20243 min read
Exploring the Impact of Leaky Gut on Spring Allergies
This month were talking about Spring Allergies and this week we’re talking about Leaky Gut. We always give great information out and try to keep it simple so that it’s easy to understand and have practical solutions. Almost everyone that comes into our office has a leaky gut, and this lends towards Food allergies and/or sensitivities. If you’re constantly reacting to what you’re eating, then there’s tons of inflammation throughout the body and can cause all kinds of proble
Kendra Sanchez
Apr 8, 20243 min read
The truth about vitamin D deficiency
This week we’re talking about vitamin D deficiency, which gives us symptoms of spring allergies. Our bodies have a great detox and drainage system already to use if we have not overburdened it over time and have the correct nutrients for the body to be able to use these systems.

Kendra Sanchez
Apr 1, 20243 min read
Food and pollen allergies
This week we’re talking about Food and Pollen Allergies. The information will be very interesting and we will make a distinction between allergies and sensitivities. We work with a lot of patients who have pollen and food sensitivities and they can be gotten rid of but it takes some time and effort.

Kendra Sanchez
Mar 25, 20243 min read
Brain fog and constipation
this week we’ll be talking about brain fog and constipation. You might ask “what does brain fog and constipation have to do with each other?”. Well, there is a major connection between the brain and the gut so if the bowels are not working correctly, the brain might not function as well as it should either. At Natural Health, we do a lot to help our patients to have normal bowel function.

Kendra Sanchez
Mar 18, 20243 min read
Seasonal Health Challenges and Dietary Misconceptions
Discover effective strategies to thrive through seasonal shifts and enhance your well-being with smart dietary choices. Our article delves into combating common health concerns and unveiling the truth about dietary fats, empowering you to make informed decisions for a healthier lifestyle.

Kendra Sanchez
Mar 11, 20243 min read
At Natural Health, we’re always looking at the underlying cause of the problems and not using chemicals or medication to cover up symptoms. We use whole food concentrate supplements and whole herb supplements to help the body heal itself naturally and with no side effects.

Kendra Sanchez
Mar 4, 20242 min read
As Addictive as Cigarettes and Cocaine
At Natural Health, we want to see our patients have a vibrant life, full of energy and happiness, and not relying on drugs to control their symptoms. This type of “treatment” just lends towards degenerative disease and years in a nursing home or Alzheimer’s ward if not headed off.
Kendra Sanchez
Feb 27, 20243 min read
This kind of news hits home and makes my blood boil…
In our health shop this week, we’ll be talking about heart health as it concerns the valves and A-
Fib. There are lots of nutritional things we do for our patients who have these conditions. This is one of
the big reasons we have our Heart Sound Recorder, which records the sounds of the heart valves and
can tell us the strength of the heart muscle and what nutritional needs that person has. It’s important
to realize that the heart gets first crack at the nutrition that co

Kendra Sanchez
Feb 5, 20242 min read
Fresh Start
Welcome back Natural Health Family! I imagine everyone had a great weekend and got to do something fun or checked off a task you wanted...
Kendra Sanchez
Jan 29, 20243 min read
Is Tart Cherry Worthy of the Hype?
Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-I hope that you enjoyed your weekend even though there were still some snow around. It’s...
Kendra Sanchez
Jan 29, 20243 min read
Did you know that our brain is hardwired for survival?
Buenos Dias Natural Health Family! Buenos dias means good day. A little change for everyone. This week's healthshop topic is...
Kendra Sanchez
Jan 23, 20242 min read
Do you feel tired and worn out?
I hope that you had a great weekend even though it’s still winter. It looks like we’re in for a warming trend if we can get past the ice...

Kendra Sanchez
Jan 23, 20243 min read
Open up to a new way of seeing life
2024 has already been quite the start with the weather and everything else that goes on. Many times we tend to have thoughts about how...
Kendra Sanchez
Jan 16, 20242 min read
From One Form To The Next
Welcome back Natural Health Family! Some people have been saying it’s a little colder outside than last week, who would have thought....
Kendra Sanchez
Jan 15, 20243 min read
Midwest Winter Weather
Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation- I hope that you’re hanging in there with his cold weather. I was listening to...
Kendra Sanchez
Jan 15, 20249 min read
Understanding the WHO’s Plans for You
STORY AT-A-GLANCE Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom...
Kendra Sanchez
Jan 9, 20243 min read
Winter Weather
Hello Everyone In Natural Health Nation- I hope that you all had a great weekend despite the winter weather. It’s not extremely bad...
Kendra Sanchez
Jan 8, 20248 min read
Could Living With Less Make You Happier and Wealthier?
STORY AT-A-GLANCE While there’s no scientific data to show that living with less stuff will increase your happiness, a growing number of...
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