Natural Health Family! Welcome back again. We are diving back into the school months which means different routines and commitments. It is also a time where we can choose to keep up healthy habits or let ourselves get carried away. When it comes to health it is good to get back to the basics. Let’s discuss food and how it can impact our own health and well being.
How do you see food? What does it bring in your life? Do certain foods remind you of different times? Has food been a way to celebrate a certain occasion or to enjoy the company of another? Does food excite you when you are able to go out with friends or family, or perhaps make a great meal at home? Is it something that you feel you can express your creative side and make meals that are fun and enjoyable? Is food something that you worry about or give thanks for?
We all have different relationships with food. It is up to us to choose what relationship that is. It is important to eat healthy when you can. It is great to eat foods that this earth blesses us with which is without all the man made preservatives and other ingredients that are processed with certain food stuff. Let’s get back to eating the good whole foods that can help nourish our body and teach out kids and future generations to do the same. Let’s restore our relationship to food, eat healthy foods more of the time casting your vote for our health freedom.
Imagine a world where all dis-ease is rare and health is common. Have a great week!
– Dr. Chip