How Long Will We Ignore the Truth About Vitamin D?
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE A scientific review published in 2006 concluded that epidemic seasonal influenza is most likely related to the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency during winter
Strengthening Your Immune System
Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation- What a glorious weekend, some of the best weather we’ve had so far this year. It’s so great to see everything greened up
Fast-Tracked COVID-19 Vaccine — What Could Go Wrong?
STORY AT-A-GLANCE The COVID-19 vaccine may in fact be the most fast-tracked vaccine ever created in all history, which necessitates the elimination of required safety testing steps, such as animal
Chiropractic Adjustments and Immune System Support
With all the hubbub and excitement about the current health crisis, it seems unimportant to talk about the weather like I usually do to start my comments. It is important
Seasonal Stress
Well we had a great weekend for December. We had some warmth and sunshine and not rain or snow. It’s great to get dried out
How long does the flu last?
How long does the flu last? Although the average may be listed around 5 days, this would depend entirely on the person’s immune system and what kind of stresses