In our health shop this week, we’ll be talking about heart health as it concerns the valves and A-
Fib. There are lots of nutritional things we do for our patients who have these conditions. This is one of
the big reasons we have our Heart Sound Recorder, which records the sounds of the heart valves and
can tell us the strength of the heart muscle and what nutritional needs that person has. It’s important
to realize that the heart gets first crack at the nutrition that comes into the bloodstream. If the heart
shows nutritional deficiencies when we use our Heart Sound Recorder, then the rest of the body is
having problems too. It’s a very non-invasive but effective way of seeing what’s going on with the heart
and cardiovascular system. We also find that the thyroid gland, and its hormone production, is usually
involved with people who have A-Fib, or any palpitations or miss rhythms of the heart. Of course, we
have nutritional products that we use to help the heart muscle and the thyroid gland work correctly as
nature intended. Drugs can sometimes control a symptom, but they do nothing to help strengthen or
heal the affected areas.