Welcome back Natural Health Family. I imagine everyone had a good weekend. School is starting back up and everyone is getting back into the routine. That said, it is important to practice healthy habits to stay well throughout the year. Let’s discuss ways to stay well and help future generations have a better understanding of health and well-being.
Health is our normal state. Although many people have a tendency to view illness or sickness as normal this is not true. Many people tend to think it is normal because they see and witness it more often and sadly, it is becoming more common. However, when we view it differently we can start to realize our potential for health and live long healthy lives. Just think of the “common cold.” Can you see what they did there, making it the “common” cold? It is said that we catch the cold like it is something that is supposed to happen at certain times. What if we saw it another way? What if instead of catching the cold it was more of the body’s way to balance itself out because it was being overloaded causing the body to do what it needed to heal. This would allow us to see that we are not destined for illness and dis-ease but rather we have the potential to take our health back into our own hands.
Kids in the world now have so much information coming at them from many angles. It is important to teach them that health is normal and show by example proper ways to stay healthy. If the world keeps going the way it is at the rate it is going, we will not be able to move forward in progressing as a collective. Don’t wait till later, choose health now, and let’s turn the world around to a better brighter healthier future.
-Dr. Chip