Nutrition Response Testing
“Designed Clinical Nutrition” is exactly that: designed (especially prepared based on a specific plan) clinical (pertaining to the results gotten in clinical use or actual practice on huge numbers of patients over many years) nutrition (real food, designed by nature to enable the body to repair itself and grow healthfully).
In most cases it is concentrated whole food, in a tablet, capsule or powder, prepared using a unique manufacturing process that preserves all the active enzymes and vital components that make it work as Nature intended.
These real food supplements have been designed to match the needs of the body, as determined by the positive response shown when tested against the active Nutrition Response Testing organs/areas that were found on your individual Nutrition Response Testing analysis. These are nutrients you are simply not getting, or not assimilating, in your current diet.
These deficiencies may be due to your past personal eating habits and routines, but it is for sure due, to a large extent, to the lack of quality in the foods commercially available in grocery stores or restaurants today.
An example of a whole food could be carrots. Carrots are high in Vitamin A Complex. A “complex” is something made up of many different parts that work together. Synthetic Vitamin A does not contain the whole “Vitamin A Complex” found in nature. So, if we were looking for a food high in Vitamin A, carrots might be one of our choices.
If one were factually deficient in any of the components of Vitamin A Complex, one would be wise to seek out a supplement that was made from whole foods that were rich in this complex – not from chemicals re-engineered in a laboratory to look like one little part of the Vitamin A Complex that has erroneously been labeled as “Vitamin A.”
Over-the-counter vitamins are pharmaceutically engineered chemical fractions of vitamin structures reproduced in a laboratory. These cannot be used in lieu of whole food supplements in a designed clinical nutrition program. The label “natural” is misleading when applied to nutritional products, as the FDA will approve such labeling based on a small percentage of naturally sourced components. Such products don’t correct existing imbalances and may introduce new ones.
Your vitality and energy are derived from live food.
Most foods available today are dead, or are not really foods at all: boxed cereals, canned vegetables, soda pop, etc. You can readily understand the difference between dead, devitalized pseudo-foods, with the synthetic or isolated vitamins on the one hand, and “Designed Clinical Nutrition” and a diet of real foods, on the other.
So-called “scientific research,” done with these shoddy substitutes, repeatedly “proves” that vitamins don’t do much good for anyone! Can you imagine who pays for these “studies”?
What is Designed Clinical Nutrition?
An analysis of your active organs / areas will be performed on each follow up visit. Often these follow up visits also reveal additional layers of dysfunction. These can then be addressed in the correct sequence for your body.
Each patient gets a completely individualized program. Very much like opening a combination lock, you must use the right numbers in the right sequence and in the right direction at the right time – then the lock opens easily.
Therefore, since every case is different, by following the correct sequence as revealed through Nutrition Response Testing, even the most complicated cases can be handled.
To make an appointment for an initial Nutrition Response Testing Evaluation, please contact our office.
You can also find out more about Nutrition Response Testing here:
Follow UP Visits
1. Through an analysis of your body’s organs/areas, we help you to determine the exact nutrients you need to supplement your diet to bring about balance and better health.
2. We make these highly concentrated therapeutic formulations available to you in tablets, capsules, or in powdered form to “supplement” your current diet. That’s why they are called “food supplements.”
3. Depending on your individual situation, we might also require that you make some specific changes in your diet and eating habits, and in your routines, to bring about the best possible results.
Having been designed through decades of clinical use on tens of thousands of patients, and on patients from many different types of health care practitioners, you can be assured that using Nutrition Response Testing we are able to evaluate your body’s nutritional needs and devise a program to help your body heal itself.
There is a Great Deal of Technology and Know-How Behind What We Do.
Let’s say the liver or kidney areas are active. Then what? Our next step is to test specific nutritional formulas of the highest quality that have stood the test of time and are proven to bring the organ/areas back to strength.
Decades of clinical experience tell us that when we have found the correct nutritional supplements, as indicated by this procedure, we can devise a clinically designed program for your body.
This will be a highly personalized nutritional supplement schedule. We have identified the most important first step in correcting the underlying deficiency or imbalance that caused the organ/area to be active in the first place. By following the program as precisely as possible, you are well on your way to restoring normal function and improving your health. It’s that simple!
In medicine, the medical doctor makes a diagnosis and then uses drugs or surgery to attack or suppress the symptom, or to surgically remove the “offending” organ or malfunctioning part. In Nutrition Response Testing, we use designed clinical nutrition to correct the cause of the problem, so that the body can regain the ability to correct itself.
The Personalized Health Improvement Program
Yes. This technology is being successfully used by thousands of healthcare practitioners across the country, helping hundreds of thousands of patients to overcome a wide variety of health problems and achieve more optimum health. It has been featured in numerous publications including The American Chiropractor, Chiropractic Economics, and DC Products Review.
Check out some of the success stories below to get an idea of what this powerful technology can do. Add a success story from a patient with an image of the person here.
What it was like before I came to see Dr. Mark?
“I was tired all the time, couldn’t sleep well. I was bloated. My joints hurt. My sinus was a big problem.”
How is it Now?
“I have more energy and I sleep great at night. I am no longer bloated. My sinus are greatly improved.”
What it was like before I came to see Dr. Mark?
“I was trying to find the right combination of foods/supplements to help me with my celiac disease. I was feeling tired and having indigestion and anxiety issues.”
How is it Now?
“Dr. Mark has helped me reach my goals and feel better every day. I am confident in choosing the right foods to keep me healthy and will continue, trusting him in my journey to better health. “
What it was like before I came to see Dr. Mark?
” I was on a prescription arthritis medicine and a stomach medicine because the arthritis medicine messed my stomach up. My joints ached. I had borderline eye pressure for glaucoma. I thought I was eating healthy and had already cut out soybean from my diet. I couldn’t have dairy without passing blood or having diarrhea. I also took over the counter vitamins and supplements. I didn’t sleep very well at night, I slept on one side until it went numb and then would turn over to the other. Plus I had hot flashes.”
How is it Now?
“Since coming to Dr. Mark, within a few months I quit my stomach medicine. I switched to all natural supplements from Dr. Mark instead of the synthetic ones over the counter. My eye pressure has gone down. Within the last couple of months, I have weaned myself off of my arthritis medicine. My kidney numbers have gone up because of not taking the arthritic medicine. I can eat a limited amount of hard cheeses now and not have side effects. As a plus, I’ve lost over 30 pounds in the last 13 months. I haven’t had any hot flashes. I sleep through the night. I have more energy. I also use Dr. Mark as a chiropractor along with the Standard Process supplements.”
Does Nutrition Response Testing Really Work?
In Nutrition Response Testing we do not diagnose or treat disease. There are two parts to our process:
1. The analysis (the assessment of your body’s current health status)
2. The personalized health improvement program (using designed clinical nutrition).
The Analysis:
The analysis is done through testing the body’s nervous system.
Nutrition Response Testing analyzes different areas on the surface of the body that relate to the state of health and to the flow of energy in every organ and function of the body.
This information is derived from the part of the nervous system whose job it is to regulate the functions of the organs.
Interestingly, since the human anatomy has not changed significantly in thousands of years, the utilization of these organs/areas have become extremely useful in Nutrition Response Testing because they are so accurate!
Each area that gives a response represents a specific organ, tissue, or function, and indicates the effect that energy, or the lack of energy, is having on the body. By testing these organs / areas, we have a system of monitoring your body at each visit that has proven to be extremely accurate clinically, and that helps us identify exactly what the body needs and how well we are meeting that need.
What is the Nutrition Response Testing Process?
Nutrition Response Testing is a safe, natural and non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of ill health. When these causes are found and corrected through natural, nutritional means, the body can repair itself and maintain more optimum health.
Nutrition Response Testing was developed by Freddie Ulan, DC in the 1990s. It is very precise and scientific, and is being used by thousands of healthcare practitioners across the US.
However, if we were to analyze you using Nutrition Response Testing before it was explained to you, you might find it strange, or simply not believable – because it is probably very different from anything you have used or experienced.
If you want restored health and longevity it is important that you understand what Nutrition Response Testing is and what our recommendations are based on. Otherwise, you are less likely to comply with your program and you won’t experience the amazing benefits that are routinely attainable.