Welcome back Natural Health. I imagine everyone had a good weekend. What a time to be alive, isn’t it? Although there are many ways of seeing what is going on in the country politically, we can all see that our health and the health of this country need to move in a different direction. Many people can get caught up in the notion that sickness and disease are normal. However, it is common due to a lack of understanding of what truly gets people healthy. Let’s explore how health is not only normal but can be common once again.
Buckminster Fuller once said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Currently, the statistics of our nation’s health as a whole is unfortunately one of the lowest in the world. Although this is the case, there is always a way to turn things around. This comes from a fundamental shift. Again, this is not to fight what is and blame the current condition. It is, however, to understand health more rather than fighting so much of the sickness. We are at a time when more and more people are realizing that the system is unstable. It is because it is built on a foundation of shifting sands. As we learn more about health, we can guide ourselves back to it, we can attain our power back. Health does not need to be seen as this herculean achievement. When we realize that health is normal we will start to understand more clearly the process to get it back.
We must not fight the current status quo or any efforts that brought it about in the first place. Our ability to respond and pave a new way is how we can restore the health of our country, and that starts with seeing the potential we hold within ourselves. Have a great week!
– Dr. Chip