
Good morning, evening, or night Natural Health Family. We are almost done with January already, can you believe that? It seems weird that time flies by and looking back it goes quicker and quicker. Life can be short, for a lot of people, and we may not know exactly when our time is come here. This is not meant to be morbid or sad but rather a reminder that with each new day, we have a choice. We get to choose whether or not we can enjoy the day and make it a blessing or see that it’s just another day. Let’s talk about peace and the many distractions that can cause us to live without it. 

In today’s world, we have so many things going on. Whether it is seeing what is going on in the world with politics and economy, family matters, needing to get certain tasks done, etc. we can be in a constant state of moving. Mainstream tv can get take our energy into other things going on around the world. Social media is ever telling us the many things that are on sale, or the next best thing to get. We can be caught up in the comparison game by trying to stay connected but at the same time being on our phones so much. It leads us to drain our energy in a lot of ways. All of these different things can cause us to be distracted from our own well-being and inner peace. 

When we see life through a new lens, we start to change what is important to us. Our health is vital; when we are healthy, we can enjoy more of life. Sometimes, it doesn’t have to be all the things that give us joy, but rather realizing that we can already see the many blessings around us. I encourage you to find more peace in the week to come. Peace be with you all.

-Dr. Chip