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Kendra Sanchez

Welcome back Natural Health Family. What a series of events we have had recently. Winter is coming and that means many different things including holidays, traveling, different foods, events, etc. Many times we want to do the best for others and get everything perfect. But as we well know, many things don’t always go to plan. It’s time to discuss control and what impact it has on our lives. 

When you think back to all the family events, the holiday parties, and everything in between we realize how much emphasis we put on the small things. Although it is great to have everything done well and prepared to celebrate in these times, we forget that things happen. Many times we want to make sure everything is done just right, but in that, we get carried away to thinking everything must go a certain way. This way of control can impact us and the stress that we take on. However, when we come from a different place, that of doing our best, enjoying making things “special” for the holidays, and at the same time realizing that unfortunate things may happen along the way, we can give some of the control away. We can lessen our burden that everything has to go just right. Many times, when we let go of control, things tend to go the way that is needed in a path of least resistance. 

Life has a funny way to teach us lessons. Whether it comes from cooking the turkey too long, dropping an ornament, or plans changing, we can be more apt to not be so focused on the little things but rather enjoy them. Like a river, the more we try to swim upstream to get where we are going, it can feel exhausting. When we are able to let go and give up control, is when we instead flow with the river and paradoxically have more of it. Have a great week!

- Dr. Chip


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