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Florida Judge Supports Ban on Fake Meat A Win for Real Nutrition

Kendra Sanchez

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

It’s starting to look more and more like winter.  Thankfully the last few rains have greened up some of the grass.  I know that we have to go through winter but hopefully it short and not too cold.  We had my mom’s 90 birthday party over the weekend and my sister was down from a Minnesota where they are having ice and snow and freezing weather.  I told her to keep it up there-ha.  I also noticed that during church Sunday, there’s a lot of people coughing.  This is due to two main reasons in my opinion.  The first one is we went through Halloween and people ate too much refined sugar, which is hard on the immune system as it drains the body of vitamins and minerals.  The second problem is due to the start of the vaccination season, where they are giving people flu shots and RSV shots, and still promoting the Covid shots, which are known to not work but they’re still promoting them anyway.  

Many people have not heard of “shedding”, but this is where the people that are vaccinated are breathing out these viruses and stuff that other people have to deal with.  One thing that really irritates me is that when people get vaccinated, they think that they can do anything they want now and not get sick.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Does it make any sense to inject junk directly into the body, bypassing many layers of the immune system, and think that will make them “healthy”?  I hope that the MAHA movement wakes a lot of people up.

The article than sending along today looks at a judge okaying the ban on fake meat in Florida.  The manufactures try to make all kinds of claims but the truth comes out and that is a great victory for people’s health.  Our bodies like actual real food to give it the nutrients it needs for growth and repair.  Human beings have been eating meat forever and why do they think they have to change it?  It’s all about the money thing and again, they are not worried about your health, but just making more money.  I don’t agree with the confinement floor feeding either because they must use a lot of antibiotics to keep cattle alive in those places.  

Cattle and hogs need to run free and be able to eat vegetation and bugs and things that have lots of minerals and vitamins in them so when we eat them, there’s a lot of good nutritional nutrients there for us to enjoy.  If people would just use a little common sense and realize that you can’t build a body with junk food and keep it healthy.  And all the pharmaceuticals are only made for emergency purposes for a short time.  The underlying problem must be found and that’s what we do here at Natural Health, find the underlying problem and help the body to correct it.  Plus, we correct it with the right kind of treatment, namely dietary changes and good quality whole food nutrition.  We’re not using synthetic vitamins to stop a symptom but get the damaged system of the body to work correctly so the body can heal itself, as it has for thousands and thousands of years.  

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark



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