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Food and pollen allergies

Kendra Sanchez

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

I hope that you enjoyed your Easter weekend.  Many of the kids have been on spring break and I’m sure they’re looking forward to going back to school this week-ha.  The grass is getting greener than the weather is getting nicer so hopefully were headed into Spring for sure now.  Winter wasn’t that bad but it was still winter I think we’re all looking forward to warmer weather.  Don’t forget that we have some great products here at Natural Health, to help with Spring allergy symptoms.  We’ve had quite a few patients come in that are having some issues already, I think from the mold that the wind is blowing around more than pollen from flowers and trees yet.

Speaking of Spring allergies, in our health shop this month, we’ll be talking about Spring allergies and this week we’re talking about Food and Pollen Allergies.  The information will be very interesting and we will make a distinction between allergies and sensitivities.  We work with a lot of patients who have pollen and food sensitivities and they can be gotten rid of but it takes some time and effort.  Just doing a lot of detox work with patients helps to clean the lymphatics and remove the mucus and gunk that gets stuck in their because our livers are overloaded from all the environmental toxins and things.  Dr. Chip and I are trying to do a good job with our health shops and getting the information contained therein to help patients really understand what it takes to be actually healthy, not just relying on over the counter or prescription medication once in a while, but actually having good energy and being able to enjoy life without all the drugs.  And to realize, of course, these drugs just cover up the symptoms and are not helping the underlying cause of problems.  An example of this would be if you suppress the symptoms and the liver stays toxic, the patient may have more severe problems later on.  I just read an article on how the cancer rates for those below 50 years old are spiking, wonder how that happens.

The article that I’m sending along this week looks at reasons why people live better when they age.  The article talks about living longer but I’m not sure about that.  One of our goals here at Natural Health, is to help people live their lives well and healthy rather than end up in nursing homes and Alzheimer’s units.  There’s so much unnecessary suffering that we’re going through now because of mainstream medicine’s lack of knowledge in natural healing and prevention.  I also think that folks are relying way too much on what their insurance companies pay for, and not on what actually is healthy.  It’s a form of medical slavery and control, but we need to work more towards medical freedom and body autonomy.  We all want to live our lives well but need to take responsibility for our actions and for what goes into our body through the air, water, and food that we eat.  We talk a lot about that here at Natural Health, helping our patients to understand what it takes to be actually healthy. 

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark 



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