Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation –
I hope that you enjoyed your weekend and had a chance to see us at the Home Show. We met many folks who are looking for health answers. Natural Health has been trying to get real health information out to patients for 43 years now. I’m glad the rest of the country is catching up and I hope folks will have an open mind to learn health facts, not just the advertising from Big Pharma and Big Food. I also hope that were out of the deep freeze and headed for Spring. We see a lot of Spring Allergies as the pollen count goes up. We have great nutritional products to help the liver handle these allergens and keep inflammation down to a minimum, keeping allergy symptoms under control. Allergy symptoms usually mean that the liver is overloaded. Please don’t suffer these symptoms but also don’t take a lot of medication, prescribed or over the counter, to just relieve symptoms. Find the cause and fix it – what we do everyday at Natural health.
The article that I’m sending along looks at the connection between Gut Health and Fat Metabolism. Gut health and good digestion is so important for health and especially weight stability. We help many patients with weight loss but not by focusing on weight loss but by focusing on Health, and the weight just comes off, and stays off. Folks that have been on antibiotics, and especially lots of them, destroy the intestinal flora, and can cause the gut to have more trouble causing bacteria than health promoting bacteria. The article explains why the good health promoting bacteria help with weight loss and fat metabolism. These gut bacteria produce all kinds of good things for the body that help it to work correctly. Folks that have a wrecked flora, usually have many health problems from indigestion to cancer. And if the bad bacteria are causing inflammation, the person retains lots of fluid and usually does not have good metabolism, leading to weight gain and have trouble losing it. Yes – you can use drugs to make the body lose weight but at what cost to other systems.
This is what lends toward other degenerative disease processes and if don’t find the cause of the weight gain, and fix it, the weight will come right back on, and now the liver is wrecked from all the drugs. This is why cancer is the number 2 cause of death in this country – no one looks for the cause, just treating symptoms and all these drugs are hard on the liver, and kidneys – two of the main organs of detox in our bodies. At Natural Health, we use a different paradigm in health care. We find the underlying cause of the health concern and help the patient fix it, letting the body heal itself, which it has for thousands and thousands of years.
Read the article: How Gut Microbes Influence the Regulation of Fat Metabolism
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, Live Well
– Dr Mark