Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-I hope that you enjoyed your weekend even though there were still some snow around. It’s notSpring yet but at least we're out of the deep freeze from the week before. I always like to see the snowthat we have melt so that if we get more, it doesn’t turn into big piles and cause more trouble. We needthe moisture because it was dry last year, but I’d rather have it in nice warm rain. With all this change inweather, we’re getting a lot of patients complaining of sinus congestion. We’re using a lot of Antronexwhich is a nutrition to help the liver drain lymphatics. Antronex is actually a food product that is good for the body rather than using over the counter medications that actually make the liver more toxic. This of course makes the trouble worse and you keep having sinus congestion and not fixing anything, and you keep buying the medication-just what they want.
The article that I’m sending along this week looks at the use of tart cherry juice to help withGout and weight. It’s another proof that there are so many good natural foods out there to help withhealth conditions. The problem comes in with the body’s ability to digest and absorb the nutrients fromthese good foods, and the person’s choices of foods that are harmful to the body so that the goodnutrition can’t do its job. There are also things that cause barriers to the nervous system so that thebody cannot coordinate the healing process. An example would be heavy metal toxicity, the mostcommon one we see is mercury from the mercury amalgams in people’s teeth. With the use of ourNutrition Response Testing technique, we can find these barriers and remove them so that the nervoussystem can coordinate its healing efforts and get the body back on track to health. As far as I know,Nutrition Response Testing is the only way to find these barriers and get them eliminated so that aperson can attain actual true health. Actual true health is that condition in which a body has the abilityto heal itself and have vitality and energy to enjoy life. If a person is on any kind of medication, thenthey’re not getting to the state of actual health, but just symptom relief or disease management. Wewant to change that paradigm into getting everybody actually healthy and not being fearful of all thebugs and things mainstream media love to throw at us.
Don’t forget that this month were talking about Weight Control and Health in our Health Shops,and this week we’re talking about Hypo and Hyper Thyroid conditions. The thyroid is very importantbecause it helps with metabolism and energy in the body. At Natural Health, we work towards gettingthyroids to work normally, not trying to force it to work more or less, but just normally so the body hasgood health and metabolism is normal. This is really part of our underlying purpose here at NaturalHealth, to get people healthy so that your body works normally and can heal itself. Most people thinkthat this happens automatically without trying but that is just not the case, especially in ourenvironment with all the chemicals and toxins and things out there. And then if you add bad diets andbad decision making when eating and drinking, the body gets toxic very easily and cannot coordinate itshealing ability. We’re just trying to get the body to work normally to promote actual true health.
Is Tart Cherry Worthy of the Hype? Read Article.
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well
-Dr. Mark