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Magnesium: A Key to Women’s Health and Fertility

Kendra Sanchez

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

What a great weekend, especially for December.  It was a great reprieve from the cold weather of the week before.  We noticed hiw busy town was because of all the Christmas shoppers and I’m glad everyone’s getting out and about.  It would be great for everyone to have their Christmas shopping done early and not be stressed out for the holidays, but I’m sure it will happen.  Guys like to wait to the last minute to get something, and the only good news is that there is not much left, so it’s an easy choice-ha.  We are noticing a lot of patients having problems with sinus drainage and coughing, so don’t forget that we have great products to help your body’s immune system get over these problems as quickly as possible.  We want you want to start the new year healthy and not with a cold or flu dragging on until March.

The article than sending along this week looks at the need for a good source of magnesium to help with fertility problems and women’s health.  We use a lot of the product called Magnesium Lactate, which is an easy form of magnesium to digest and absorb.  This is another article on one mineral but the reel point is that we need all of the minerals to help with many functions of the body, especially with enzyme functions that help all the wheels of metabolism work correctly.  This article looks at the connection between magnesium and fertility, but magnesium is used for all types of other functions in our body as well.  Like some of the other more famous minerals like calcium, Iodine, iron, and zinc, we need them all and in the form that comes from nature in plants and animals, not from coal tar or dug out of the ground.  

The form is very important as it has to do with the body’s ability to absorb these minerals and then be able to utilize them in body functions.  Another part of this equation is that minerals must be absorbed in an acid medium in the gut so the correct stomach acid is very important for this function.  People that are taking proton pump inhibitors and antacids, stop the body’s ability to absorb these essential minerals.  When the body can’t work correctly, disease and aging show up faster.  At Natural Health, we work hard to help our patients get the correct nutrients that they need, in the correct form that nature provides, and the body’s ability to digest and absorb these foods, so that we can prevent and arrest disease processes, and help with lots of anti-aging.  It’s just basically good physiology and an understanding of how the body actually works, rather than using the newest fad thing, or covering up symptoms with medication and drugs.  

Our goal is always health-even when people come in with pain are want help with things like weight loss, getting our patients healthy is our goal so that they have no problems and can enjoy life to its fullest.  

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark



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