Hello Everyone on Natural Health Nation –
Another great weekend. It’s looking more and more like we’re about done with winter. The wind has been the big factor lately and it sure is kicking up a lot of dust and old pollen. We’re seeing patients coming in already with sinus and allergy symptom. Of course, we have great nutritional products to help the body detox and drain the lymphatics to handle the cause of the issue, not just treat symptoms. Amazingly, the symptoms go away and the patient gets better by just finding the cause. This paradigm works for all the symptom complexes we come across here at Natural health.
The article that I’m sending along, looks at smoking cigarettes and how bad that is for the health of the individual. No big news, right? The point that I’d like to make is that these addictions can be helped by removing toxins from the body, getting the liver to work correctly, and by supplementing the nutritional needs of the body so it doesn’t seem to need the addicting substance. A good example of this is people having sugar addictions or cravings. When this happens, it means the body is basically just low on organic minerals from whatever reason – bad diet, prescription medication, overly stressed, etc.
The body knows that it needs energy and unfortunately right now in our society, unhealthy substances are way too easily accessible. From highly caffeinated drinks to dangerous illegal drugs, it’s all out there. At Natural Health, we want to educate the public to know that there is a different way, a healthy way, that if followed, can help folks enjoy life and have energy and not need, or want, to be taking addicting substances, even prescribed medications. None of these things are healthy or health promoting. Look at those in nursing homes and dementia units and you’ll see that that lifestyle is not health promoting. We strive to help our patients be actually healthy, not just managing disease or blood test numbers, but really able to enjoy life with good energy and real health and not have to worry about the future. We are mortal but we can have good quality of live until we’re called home.
Read the article: How Smoking Affects Your Immune Function
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, Live Well
– Dr Mark