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Revitalizing Mitochondria for Optimal Health

Kendra Sanchez

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

I hope that you’re all doing well today and enjoying the beautiful weather were having.  It was a great weekend to do outside activities and it’s almost nice to get back to work to rest-ha.  I know that I’ve said it before, but it sure is nice that everything is green yet and actually still growing.  Usually by this time of the year it’s got dry and everything is brown but I’m sure enjoying the green grass and the green tree leaves.  I know-we have to mow grass all the time but that won’t last a whole lot longer.  In the spring we talk about spring allergies but now have to start talking about Fall allergies.  I saw some of the field corn starting to turn at the bottom of the stock so we know that harvest is coming soon and that leads to lots of dust and pollen in the air.  Don’t forget that we have lots of great products to help the body and lymph system drain all that stuff out so it doesn’t inflame tissues and cause allergy symptoms.  Also, don’t forget to stay hydrated and that means drinking lots of water and using good sea salt or mineral salt as an electrolyte source.

The article that I’m sending along this week looks at the power plants of the cells, which are called mitochondria, not working right and that does not give the body the energy for the immune system to work correctly, lending towards autoimmune problems.  Autoimmunity is where the body is attacking itself because of damaged tissues that the body can’t replace in good order.  When the cells that are scavenging dead tissue run out, the start to attack the live tissue and that’s a basic definition of autoimmune disease.  At Natural Health, we work at helping our patients have lots of energy, detoxing the body so that the negative energy metals and toxins are out, and helping to give the body the correct micro and macro nutrients so that it can work correctly, as it has for thousands and thousands of years.  Mainstream medicine looks of the body like a machine that as it gets older and older, it breaks down more and more.  This is not what the body’s meant to do but only happens because it’s been mis-treated over years and sometimes decades.  The body has the innate ability to heal itself and always does as long as you feed it correctly and keep the poisons and toxins and heavy metals out so that the machinery works correctly.  Of course, good exercise is important as well as a good attitude with a purposeful goal in life which helps to keep the body positive and moving forward.  Sitting in a rocking chair eating candy and cookies is a sure recipe for disaster.

In our health shop this month were talking about Back To School topics and this week we’re talking about Sick Children.  It goes along with the article that I’ve included in that there are many things you can do to help the immune system work correctly.  Children, whose bodies are growing and sometimes at a fast rate, need even better nutrition than adults do for their bodies to develop correctly and be healthy and strong.  This is pretty much common-sense information but many parents don’t realize how important it is and why it’s not wise to have all kinds of sugary snacks in the house within reach.  Refined sugar is very addictive and it makes a person’s sweet tooth go to a high range so that people who have a lot of sugar don’t even like good vegetables because they don’t taste good.  We find that getting people off of refined sugary snacks for a while, helps them to reset this and they start liking vegetables again.  Meat and vegetables are what our bodies need to be healthy and I’m talking good quality here, not greasy French fries with sugary ketchup and hot dogs.  If you want the body to work correctly, you have to feed it correctly! 

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark



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