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Staying Hydrated and Healthy as School Begins

Kendra Sanchez

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

I hope that you enjoyed your weekend and were able to stay cool.  We all knew this was coming as school has started again and there has to be some hot days in there.  Don’t forget to stay hydrated and of course this means drinking lots of good quality water and taking electrolytes like sea salt are mineral salt.  Not only is the water good for keeping fluids in the body working correctly, like keeping the blood thinner, but also to keep elimination working correctly and the PH balance in the right direction.  This keeps a person away from urinary tract infections and to have good energy as the body can move oxygen and nutrients around easier.  Our nutritional product called Cal-Amo is especially good for helping the body to get the correct electrolytes and make sure hydration is complete.

In our Health Shops this month, we’re talking about Back-to-School topics.  This week we’re talking about healthy eating in general.  Many people are liking our health shops so were thinking about moving those to our website under the symptoms pull down banner and that way people can look at them any time they like organized by symptom.  We’ll probably stop doing those on Monday nights but are doing one this Monday night as we finish out September.  I’ll have more information about that in this blog as time goes on.  The good thing about the information that we talk about is that it never changes, it’s been workable information for decades and decades.  We don’t do research here at Natural Health, but use practices and policies that have been helping human beings be healthy for millennia.

The article that I’m sending along this week looks at the importance of the microbiome and people’s problem with binge eating.  We all know about the gut-brain connection, or at least we should, but it’s becoming more and more important as research continues on this subject.  As we start back to school, I hope parents realize that what children eat are at least partly why they act up or get diagnoses from medical people who have no understanding of how the gut-brain connection works.  At Natural Health, we spend lots of time getting our patients digestive system working correctly and building a strong microbiome in the gut so that the brain-gut connection works for the good of the body rather than against it.  When all of these systems are working correctly, immunity worked very well too.  When you see a bunch of kids getting sick at school at the same time, you know that they are probably eating the same school lunches and breakfasts that have very little nutritional value.  We really try to teach parents about what good foods are and try to keep the kids away from all the processed sugars and junk food that it seems ever one wants to sell them.  Even the school picnics and church picnics have lots of opportunities to eat bad foods.  Even something like going to a fried chicken dinner can cause problems because of the breading and the bad seed oils that the chicken is fried in.  It seems that no one thinks about this but wonders why their kids are always sick and on antibiotics and more trouble making medications.  Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark

P.S. - just watched RFK Jr’s comments about the chronic disease situation in this country. He hit the nail right on the head and is worth a listen for everyone. 



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