Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-
I hope that you enjoyed the weekend. It’s a very busy time of year. Traffic has increased considerably in town as all the Christmas shoppers are running around like crazy. We’ve noticed a lot of people complaining of sickness and I think the stress of the season is part of the problem, along with the eating habits from Halloween and Thanksgiving. We try to get people to understand that the habits of eating lots of baked goods and candies and things, wreak havoc with the immune system, but it’s so ingrained into our traditions and society, that it’s hard to get away from. People think they can just go get some antibiotics and it will all be better and these are the people that will have a lingering cold and general weakness and malaise throughout the winter season. We have many great supplements here at Natural Health to try to help overcome these deficiencies in the diet and get people’s immune systems to work correctly so that they can get over sickness is and even prevent them if possible. We’re even instituting a practical visit to help check nutrition for those that have acute problems. Call the office to see if these visits are available for your schedule. Just like during the recent covid fiasco, relying on wearing a mask to stop the transmission of these bugs is not enough. People must work on getting their immune systems strengthened so that the bugs don’t cause problems. The immune system is the other side of the coin when thinking of fighting infections. The bugs are always around but a strong immune system keep them from bothering the body.
In the same vein as above, the article that I’m sending along looks at many foods that we should have in our pantry to help the body fight infections and be strong during the cold weather and all the “stress” of the holidays. Not that all the stress is bad, it’s just that there’s so much going on, so many people to visit and see, and everybody wants everything to be perfect. A simple food like garlic can help strengthen the immune system and this is been known for millennia. The drug companies do a great job advertising to everyone, especially medical doctors, on how their products can kill bugs and all that business. And business it is, making money at the expense of human health and longevity.
As I’ve been watching the political scene some, it looks like the incoming administration will work more on getting people to understand health, and how to attain it, rather than put up with the “disease management” Medical System that we have now. It’s very easy to see with the statistics on health, that our country is getting sicker and sicker. More degenerative disease, more cancers, more heart disease, less fertility, more ADD and ADHD and autism - and spending twice as much as any other country in the world. It’s quite the MESS and at Natural Health, we help our patients to understand what health actually is and help them get out of the negative spiral of more medication for everything and not even looking at a person’s diet and environment. Being healthy takes a little work but it’s worth it, especially at the end of life knowing that you can enjoy it and not be in a nursing home wondering who you are.
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well
Read the article here: Top Foods to Keep in Your Pantry During the Cold and Flu Season
-Dr. Mark