Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-
I hope that you enjoyed your extended weekend and didn’t have too much fun on Labor Day. The weather was great and I hope everyone got a little more vitamin D. It seems we’ve gotten past the real hot weather but still need to stay hydrated, and don’t forget the electrolytes with the water. One of our favorite products is called Cal-Amo and it is a calcium salt which we use to help give electrolytes to the body so that it can move fluid and keep the body hydrated. When taken with water, Cal-Amo works like the saline solution IV that medics give to those with severe dehydration. Let’s not get there and remember to stay hydrated and not have problems. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The article than sending along today looks at the phyto-chemicals in hot chili peppers that can help irritable bowel syndrome. It’s great to know about these chemicals but most people can’t handle the heat of chili peppers to get to the point where the phyto-chemicals can help. With the nutrition work that we do at Natural Health, we work through a protocol to help heal the gut lining and then help the body to be able to digest and absorb these good nutrients from real foods. Our program is to help the body to be healthy and repair itself naturally as it has done for thousands and thousands of years. We don’t want to cover up the symptoms with drugs that actually make the problem worse and have far reaching side effects. An example of this is the use of proton pump inhibitors which stops the stomach of making acid, and it does help the symptom, but long-term causes osteoporosis because the body does not absorb good minerals due to lack of acid in the gut. We also do a lot of work figuring out how to help the intestinal flora of the gut, which is so important for the functioning of the brain and helping the immune system work well.
The body is very interconnected and we work on a holistic approach to get the whole body healthy and not just cover up symptoms in one part. Mainstream medicine works on stopping symptoms, and then once the problem gets worse and worse, resorts to surgery to remove an organ or body part. At Natural Health, we look at a more holistic approach to helping the inmate healing ability of the body to do its job, again, as it has done over thousands and thousands of years, to help the body heal itself from problems and prevent future issues. I see so many patients come into the office on multiple medications which are used to cover up symptoms, but to realize that medications are not nutrition, they don’t help the underlying cause.
They can help symptoms which are important in the short term, but the mainstream medics never look at the underlying cause. This is evident in all the nursing homes and Alzheimer units that were seeing around the area. It’s not the quantity of life that’s important but the quality of life. Our bodies are not meant you get older and fall apart, but it well if not feed correctly and not treated right. We love to see our older patients be happy and healthy and have great energy to enjoy their lives and their kids and grandkids.
Read the article: Hot Chilies Can Cool Gut Inflammation
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well
-Dr. Mark