Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-
I hope that you enjoyed your weekend as much as I did. I had a nutrition seminar in Branson Missouri and a lot of classroom learning. It was mostly a review for me but it was interesting to see the presenters noticing that most people out there are seeing the results of pour Health Care and looking for alternatives that can bring people real health and not just disease management. There are many doctors that are looking for ways to help patients be actually healthy and even the medical doctors are looking for ways to get away from all the drugs as the only form of treatment. The only problem that I see is that many doctors are using synthetic vitamins instead of medication for symptoms and this of course is better, but it may still not get to the underlying problem of why the patient has the symptom in the first place. At Natural Health, we’re looking at the underlying cause of the problem, most of the time due to diet and environment, and lack of nutritional building blocks that the body needs to repair itself. I’m also seeing all kinds of ads, even at the seminar that I was at, to find this item and for that symptom and on and on. We find that if we use real foods and whole food supplements, the body can use these correct building blocks and enzymes and real food to help repair itself as it has for thousands and thousands of years. It’s only been in the last 100 years or so that patients have relied on medication. We know that there is a place for medication, and antibiotics, but these have supplanted any common sense of getting the body healthy with the actual building blocks as it was meant to have, like real food and exercise and good water. It’s not rocket science to understand how the body works correctly but there are certain rules to follow.
The article than sending along today looks at the connection of big tobacco and big food. It’s well known that the tobacco companies bought food companies and used the same “science” to get people hooked on these processed junk foods. This goes along with the paragraph above in that if you don’t eat good foods that have good nutritional value, you can’t expect the body to repair itself correctly. This is why in our country is so plagued by all the degenerative diseases that we have to deal with. Again, and it may sound like a broken record, but our country actually has disease management and not true actual Health Care. At Natural Health, we get our patients to be actually healthy and not just chase symptoms and cover up health problems. There are two terms that have been used incorrectly. The one is “science” which is used to mean anything that comes from a lab must be true and correct. The second one is “Health Care”, which is used to be any treatment to the human body. Both are incorrectly use because they’re not used as their definitions imply. Science is meant to be used to find the truth and be used for the betterment of humanity, but is being twisted and used in a way that makes people money.
Health Care should be what type of treatments are used to help a person to be actually healthy, not just cover up symptoms or take medication to control a number on a blood test. Our country spends more on Health Care than any other country but we have the worst health outcomes of any industrialized nation. Common sense will tell you that something is not right. At Natural Health, we are working to help our patients be actually healthy and that does take a little work, but it’s not that hard or that complicated. We want to change the Health Care paradigm in this country from that of disease management to actual true Health Care.
Read article here: Did Big Tobacco Create the Processed Food Industry?
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well
- Dr. Mark