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The Lead Contamination in our Backyards

Kendra Sanchez

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

I hope that everyone had a great weekend and got caught up on their rest.  It was another great weekend and not too hot either.  I really think it’s nice that the grass and everything is staying green as we work into the later part of summer.  The field corn is tasseling so lots of pollen out there and the soybeans will be doing that soon.  Don’t forget that we have lots of nutritional help here for allergy symptoms and drainage.  And I hope it doesn’t get too hot again but realize that hydration is very important this time of year and we have some great products to help with that as well. Cal-Amo is our calcium salt product that helps give the body the electrolytes it needs to stay hydrated and then we have actual electrolyte mixers to put in water and help with getting the correct amount of water in throughout the day.  Not only are electrolytes necessary for good health, but they actually taste good in this mix.

The article than I am sending along today looks at the problem with the lead contamination in our own backyards.  The article is explaining that one in four back yards has a high concentration which can lend towards problems in our health.  The article goes into an explanation of where this lead came from and it’s very interesting.  What we do at Natural Health is help our patients to have a strong detox system because we know these chemicals and heavy metals are out there and we’re exposed to them every day.  The body needs a good source of good minerals and a strong detox and elimination system to get the bad minerals out and incorporate the good minerals.  We do a lot of work to help our patients be able to digest and absorb good nutrition so that their body stays healthy and they have good energy, and also help get the drainage systems to work correctly so that their bodies can detox and eliminate the heavy metals that are in our environment.

In our next health shop, which starts a new month for us, we will change the topics to Back to School.  The week’s health shop topic will be ADD and ADHD.  As with many other health topics, the mainstream medicine people look at the symptoms and try to treat that rather than looking at the cause and handling the problem correctly.  The information we will talk about goes right along with some of the information in the previous paragraph because many kids that have this problem have heavy metal toxicity and other toxic problems they can be worked out and behavior can return to normal.  There are also many dietary factors involved with these conditions that can be changed and the child’s learning abilities and behavioral issues can be brought under control.  It’s just so easy for mainstream medical people to put a label on something because it’s an insurance diagnosis and they get paid for it.  Treating a problem over and over with medication or therapies is not Health Care but disease management.  At Natural Health, we strive to look at the underlying causes of the problem so that the symptoms go away as the cause is no longer present.  It’s the way Health Care should be and is at Natural Health. 

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well-Dr. Mark



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