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The Truth About Statins and Your Health

Natural Health Quincy

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation -

I hope this mailing finds you all well. Greetings from Florida! Taking a little time off but wanted to say hi to everyone. The weather was cold before we got here but is perfect now with highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s, I’m not trying to rub it in but just let you know that good weather is coming. We help a lot of patients with Spring allergies so tell all your friends and neighbors - thanks!

The article that I’m sending along looks at the use, or overuse, of statin drugs. It’s a great article that explains that cholesterol is very necessary for body funtions and that one of the major side effects is glaucoma. This makes sense because statins are so hard on the liver which is a major detox and lymphatic draining organ. When the liver is overloaded, lymphatics don’t drain correctly so the eye pressures could go up. This is why at Natural Health, we look for underlying causes of problems and do not cause new problems with side effects. Chasing a single blood test number like cholesterol is unwise. It may help one factor but at what expense to the body? Let’s face it, drugs are not nutrition so don’t do anything for longterm health.

Another problem here is that the patient thinks they’re healthy now, because the number is “good”,  and keeps repeating the same lifestyle choices that got them in bad shape to begin with. This is basically the same problem with OTC pain meds, stomach pills, antibiotics, vaccines, and so on. Not to say theses things aren’t necessary at times, but are not health promoting long term   This is why 65% of especially older adults have at least one chronic disease, and some have 3 or 4. Even our life expectancy is lowering. I’ve been in practice now for almost 43 years and been trying to get folks to realize these facts. It’s nice to see that maybe even the government will start looking at this with the new administration. I’ve long been preaching to make America healthy again before it was even popular. What good is it to have long life but no quality of life. Remember that your brain is 60 - 80% cholesterol by weight. A reason for the explosion of Alzheimers ?  

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, Live Well

Read the article here: Statins Raise Glaucoma Risk

- Dr Mark



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