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What is a Good Thyroid function

Kendra Sanchez

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

I hope that you all had a great weekend and enjoyed some of the community picnics going on around the area.  It’s a busy time of year as parents start getting their kids ready for school (where did this summer go?), and always seems to be panicked when it comes to getting school supplies.  It’s been so nice over the summer to not have to deal with bus traffic but that’s coming back too.  At Natural Health, we’re really working towards educating our patients, who are parents, to realize that they can help their children learn better in school by watching what they eat and by but using supplements that helps their brains to work as it should and be able to control their energy.  It’s really depressing to me to see kits on medications when it’s not necessary at all.  And as usual with medications, no one knows the long-term side effects of these drugs.  As you may know most of the school shooting incidents are from a child who was on lots of medication over a long period of time.  Medications may be fine in the short term, but it’s important to find the underlying problem and handle that and work towards actual health rather than disease management.

The article than sending along today looks at the nutrients and foods necessary for good thyroid function.  Of course these include vitamin D, zinc, Selenium, iodine, the vitamin B12, a good protein source, and good fats to help the thyroid produce its hormones.  I hate to see when mainstream medicine puts people on synthetic hormones or even worse, remove the thyroid which always causes side effects and troubles in other hormone systems.  There’s so much you can do to help the thyroid to work correctly and we do that here at Natural Health.  It’s also important to realize that the thyroid is only one gland of many besides all the others systems of the body.  You need to treat the whole body and get it all healthy at the same time if you want to be considered “healthy”.  Treating one symptom or one problem at a time does not move you in the direction of actual health.  It may control a symptom or a pain but it does not help the body to heal itself.  You need good nutrition and good foods, that the body has used for thousands of years, to help it heal itself.  The body has the innate healing wisdom that it can use to heal most anything that goes on if the barriers are removed  and the correct nutrients and foods are consumed so the body has the building blocks that it needs to repair itself, and have lots of energy.

In our health shops this month, we’re talking about Back To School issues.  This week we’re talking about Learning Disabilities and as described in the paragraph above, we have lots of good nutrients to help the students be able to learn easier and quicker.  Another big part of this is helping the student be able to control their energies and concentrate.  We’ve had many patients, with different diagnoses, come through our doors and they all improve their learning abilities and ability to concentrate and sit in a chair.  None of this is rocket science, it’s just figuring out what the body needs to work correctly so that it can heal itself or work correctly, as in being able to learn and concentrate in school.  A simple example of this is a student who eats a lot of refined carbs for breakfast, which of course has no nutritional value but lots of refined sugar.  The student than is expected to be able to sit still in the classroom for hours and then be able to concentrate, and if they don’t, they are put on medications because the teachers can’t handle them, or don’t want too.  Our country has gotten way too far into using medications to take care of problems and not looking at the underlying cause of the issue.  At Natural Health, our focus is on the underlying cause of the problem and educating our patients as to why they need to have good foods and good nutrition in the diet and why all the refined carbohydrates cause so much trouble. 

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark 



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