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Why Microbes on Shower Heads and Toothbrushes Can Benefit Your Health

Kendra Sanchez

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

I hope that you all enjoyed your weekend and survived Halloween.  It’s time to throw the rest of the candy in the trash, if you can get by with it.  They’ll be plenty more opportunities with the other holidays coming up and the refined sugar really causes problem with the immune system.  I used to give my kids a nickel for each piece of candy and then have them watch me put it in the trash can.  This way they knew that it wasn’t good for them and we were permanently getting rid of it.  I know that the Halloween tradition has changed a lot over the last several years but I wish we could get away from all the candy because it really starts the holidays out with a preponderance for sickness because of all the refined sugar and junk.  And if you or the kids get sick with colds and flu, we do have lots of great products here at Natural Health to help your immune systems recover and hopefully be ready for the rest of the holidays, and the cold weather coming.

The article than sending along looks at the fact that the microbes on shower heads and toothbrushes can be good for you.  The germaphobic people out there think they can get rid of all bacteria by using tons of cleaners and antibiotics just don’t understand that you need to have good bacteria and microbes around to help be healthy.  The body has great ways of working with these good microbes as they help produce hormones in the gut and help the body breakdown foods that provide nutrients that can only be absorbed and utilized with their help.  So, sterilizing everything is not the way for people to be healthy and realizing that these chemicals are hard on the body, not only the natural intestinal flora, but the organs that have to get rid of these chemicals.  This is especially important with the liver and kidneys as they are two of the most important organs for natural detox.  These organs are also damaged easily with the use of medications so we like to limit those too, if possible.  The point here is that it’s important to work with the body and the natural systems it has rather than trying to outthink the body and use manmade chemicals and drugs to control how it works.  

The microbes that are on a tooth brushes and shower heads can be beneficial and the body knows how to keep these microbes from overcoming the whole system.  It has a lot to do with hydration and acid/base balance.  Also eating a variety of foods, especially salads and vegetables, really helps keep the microflora working correctly so that the gut can absorb what it needs and also help keep the brain-gut connection working correctly so that you can think clearly and have good energy.  Again, it’s important to work with the body rather than trying to outthink it.  Our bodies have been working well for thousands and thousands of years so it has the Innate knowledge to take care of itself as long as you remove the barriers, which we do with our work here at Natural Health, and feed the body the correct building blocks it needs to repair itself.  

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark



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