Hello Everyone In Natural Health Nation-
I hope that you all had a great weekend despite the winter weather.It’s not extremely bad weather yet but it is winter.I don’t know if it’s wishful thinking, but I’m noticing that the days are getting a little longer so that we’re going towards Spring sometime soon-ish.I know that we always have some really bad weather during our winters but every good day is one less bad day hopefully.As old as I am, I do remember some really good winter’s that had 70° days in them, and some bad winter’s that had a lot of -20° days with snow in them.It’s just how the weather works.And don’t forget that this up and down temperature change is a major stressor to the body and we have great nutritional products here to help the body handle these stresses, and all the other ones too.
I’m thankful that were headed back into normal schedules now and that includes being able to do our health shops on Monday nights.We’re changing the format of them a little bit in that were going to talk about symptoms that people have, rather than just organs or conditions.We’re hoping to get patients, and future patients, to understand that we’re here to help with the underlying cause of problems, and not just working on the symptoms of the day.At Natural Health, our goal is to help people actually be healthy and not need medical treatment, including drugs and surgery.Now these things may be important in an emergency, but most people forget that you need to address the underlying cause so that the emergency doesn’t come back.Mainstream medicine is very good with emergency conditions but doesn’t do well with long-term health.That’s what we’re here for.So, this month, we’re talking about Weight Loss and Health.This week’s health shop is basically about weight loss and the underlying causes of weight gain.It should be very interesting information for people that normally go on diets at the first of the year, but find they don’t work very well by the end of the year.
The article than sending along this week looks at just being happy with less stuff.Doing this is called Minimalism and is a good way of reducing stress in your life.It’s an easy thing to fall into thinking we have to do things or buy things to be happy, and the truth is that we can be happy just by telling ourselves to be happy.I think we’ve all been through the action of buying something new thinking it was great and in two weeks, or less, the new has worn off and we’re back to the same old drudgery.It becomes a decision we have to make to be happy and not rely on things or other people to make it so.And with that being said, there are some nutritional aspects of anxiety and depression that we work with here at Natural Health.The body must be able to coordinate its healing and hormone actions so that we have energy to do what we want, like being happy.And again, it’s looking at the underlying condition and not treating just a symptom with medication.Let’s all have a much happier and healthier 2024.
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Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well
Dr. Mark