Welcome back Natural Health Family. We are kicking it off with a new year. As you may know, this is a time when many people want to start something new or create something different. I also know people who don’t want to do anything different and that is okay too. However, I wanted to bring to light a certain topic that I have been pondering for quite some time. The topic for this discussion is resistance and what this can mean for your health and well-being.
What comes to mind when you think of resistance? Is it historical battles fought between two nations, is it struggles with certain aspects of life, perhaps a feud with a certain person, the inability to unscrew a lid from a jar…, or maybe it feels like heaviness due to feeling the weight of the world? For many of us, we have been taught for much of our lives to push, to force, to grind it out until we are able to achieve what we want or need. At times, maybe this is a good option, of course not to burn ourselves out in the process. But i know for many of us, it is not until we let go that we allow space to open up for something greater. Just like a sports player, when they make an incredible play, it usually is not because they are forcing it to happen. Rather, they step into a flow state, or a state of allowing things to happen by themselves. It is like they tap into a different energy or power that allows what was once thought impossible to occur. What if the stress that many of us feel is resistance to what is or what has occurred?
Today or this week, I recommend that you open yourself up to this possibility. See if there is any resistance in your life and do not judge it anymore but embrace it. Be with it or be willing to try something new as we journey into the year. I wish you all many blessings for 2025.
– Dr. Chip