Hello again Natural Health Family. I imagine everyone had a great weekend. When viewing everything in the world, it is amazing to see how it all plays out. We are at a great time when health is regaining focus for our country. We have been led to believe many things about our health due to factors and influences from big media and other corporations. Let’s not turn our energy so much to fight against those issues but rather redirect it to create opportunities to get this country’s health back on track. This will be a process and to make our country healthy again it starts with people just like you and me to unlearn, relearn, and have a strong foundation so that what we create is not susceptible to a ground of shifting sands.
Can you imagine a world where health is normal and that sickness is the outlier? A world where we know the cause of issues and understand how to get ourselves back to health? One that doesn’t just treat symptoms, that doesn’t just look at parts, but rather addresses our health on a whole level? Today, statistics show that more than half of people in this country suffer from chronic illness and a vast number have more than one chronic health issue. This might lead us to think that it is normal to be sick. However, this is due to a lack of understanding and flawed teachings that have taken our power away from us to be healthy. As more and more people are starting to realize that the system that we have been using for our healthcare is not effective in helping people get well we can notice a shift. It may start small with individuals willing to question the common narrative. It may start to grow more as leaders are able to eliminate other issues that can lead to health issues such as our food, water, and other important resources. What better time than now to question, understand, and take back our power so that we can have a healthy nation once again?
This journey sometimes may not be easy and we all go through challenges. However, with support and a helping hand, we can lessen the burden, enjoy the experience, and continue to see change in our lives and future generations.
Have a great week!
– Dr. Chip