Hi Natural Health Family. I imagine everyone had a restful, enjoyable weekend staying warm. Something recently that I have been pondering about is what really causes health issues. We can see in today’s world that people constantly move it seems. When we are not physically moving we are thinking about the next tasks of should dos, have tos, and what to do next. Many people realize now that stress is an important factor in all of the chronic health issues that people struggle with in our country and the rest of the world. Let’s talk about stress or the resistance to what is going on in our lives.
What do you think of when you hear the word stress? This word can bring up so many different things in life or how people see and navigate the world. Stress of course is not the same for everyone because we all have a unique perspective on life. But the more fundamental question is what is stress? As we said, it can be different for everyone since we come from different backgrounds and upbringings. However, much of it ties back to the same two core principles that can help us see why it happens. These two principles are resistance and adaptability. What are we resisting and/or what are we having trouble adapting to? These are good questions to ask as it relates to our life. It can also tell us a lot about ourselves. Just like when someone wants the ability to lift heavier weight, they must train with resistance to tear and build muscle to overcome and adapt to greater weight or resistance.
We are all on this journey, and many of us have challenges to overcome. Since we are all in this together, we can support each other in the process by using means that benefit each individual. So, throughout the week, remember to encourage and lift people up, as we all sometimes need a helping hand. Have a great day!
-Dr. Chip