Simon Says

 Hello again to the great family at Natural Health. It really seems like time goes by quickly. We go from one week to the other and do not realize it’s almost July already. Wild! Anyways, over the weekend I learned that some of our past songs that we used to sing when we were kids have quite a bit different meaning then just what you hear in the song. It got me thinking about all the information that has led many in this world and why taking another look can be very helpful. Let’s talk about the differences in what we have known in previous years to today and what we have been told recently. 

I would think everyone knows the game “Simon Says?” Of course it was an old children’s game that when you give a command to do something you must do it but only if Simon tells you to. Now if we think about many years ago we can at least fathom that there were many ways to help ourselves with our own health and well-being. Not until relatively recently were we told that there are new ways that are “better” and “scientifically more effective” than other ways. The “Simon” back then is now our societal norms, our FDA regulated guidelines, our mainstream news, our conventional advice, etc. Sometimes they are helpful but sometimes we have to look a little deeper. We have been told many stories of what health is from many people who may not have our health in our best interest. All we have to do is look at the stats of our healthcare system to know that obviously there is something not quite right about the current system. The US is currently ranked as one of the lowest nations in health at the moment. The system that we are currently working with is not good or bad, it is extremely helpful in certain situations and circumstances. However, we must at the least acknowledge and be aware that we were much healthier only a 100 years ago as a nation. So it may be time to stop playing this game of “Simon says” and take back power into our own hands. 

We are at a great time where truth is revealing itself more and more. People are starting to question the narrative and health is being sought out for. Sometimes it can take a little chaos to start the movement toward more order. So wherever you are on your journey be patient and know we are all in this together.

Have a great week!

Dr. Chip