What’s Your Why

 Happy New Year Natural Health Family! 2021 was a year of many changes. It was a year of many ups, downs, lefts and rights. Nevertheless, many of our struggles and challenges can be seen as lessons to be learned and/or ways of seeing that we are capable of things we once thought were not possible. When we want to do something new we typically focus on the what and how. However, today let’s talk briefly of the importance of the why in the process of new beginnings. 

In today’s world many people hear about, read about, or see information that affects their decisions of what to do. As the new year starts people typically think about what it is they want to do differently that would make this year better. However, we may tend to forget why we do things. Since we are being influenced so much from outside sources such as news, social media, commercials, other people, etc. we tend to be drawn to things that we might not otherwise care for. Of course many things that are advertised are just fine to have or want. However, many of the times it comes back to some main areas of life that are basic to everyone. When we aspire for things like better health, better relationships, and a greater willingness to help others in some way we start to gain a different perspective of what we may want in life.  

Many people have many different reasons to start something new or to perhaps change an area of his or her life. This could be driven out of necessity, scarcity, passion, pain, pleasure, etc. Everyone has different tastes and different ways of expressing themselves. When we start to ask why we want something, it can help us see more clearly what we want for our lives. The why is the fuel to the fire. When the why becomes more clear then the what and how fall into place.  

Our lives are much more enjoyable when we are healthy. When we make the decision to help ourselves and our health we can bring more joy to others. The why to anything we do is important. When the why is bigger than ourselves then we are able to give more of ourselves to others. That is why our health is a valuable asset to not only ourselves but to others. When we are healthy and enjoying life we allow others to feel more that they can do the same.

Have a great start to the New Year!

Dr. Chip