Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation –
Another great weekend and it seems that summer is finally here. It’s a great time to take a moment and enjoy the nice weather because soon it will be June 20th, the summer solstice, and the days will become shorter from then on. Springtime and early summer get away from us so quickly because we are busy with outdoor activities and just recovering from winter. I think that’s why summer seems to be so short because we’re so busy and trying to sneak in vacations and some rest in there as well. Make sure and enjoy the sunshine and work on getting those tans, but not too much. We need to store up the vitamin D for the winter months so get it now while the getting is good. The sunshine and Vitamin D help the immune system to strengthen and we will definitely need that this fall and winter.
There is so much good information coming out now about viruses and vaccines and I think some of the truth is finally coming to the surface. More and more folks are seeing that we need to work more on immune system strengthening and less on relying on drugs and vaccines to take care of their health issues. The article that I’m sending along looks at 13 experts that talk a lot of Truth. Sometimes the truth is hard to take but it’s important to realize that truth is what works. Mainstream media and mainstream medicine have not been telling us the truth for years. There are so many good Outlets and places to learn the truth but you must first understand that the mainstream is not it. I remember Walter Cronkite and I think he did a good job at that time but that kind of truth from the mainstream is gone now and has been replaced by these Outlets being bought by the highest bidder or Advertiser. A simple confirmation of this is that this country has so many problems with degenerative diseases. Last I heard that more than 50% of Americans are overweight and around that number have diabetes or prediabetes so the mainstream information we’re getting is not working very well. It’s also important to note that mainstream medical treatment is the third leading cause of death in this country. The good news is that there are many more independent news sources after this covid business because people are tired of being lied to and told half-truths. We have seen this censorship and mis-information for years in the Chiropractic profession but now with all this information coming out, more and more other people and groups are seeing this too. We keep a list of Independent Media sources here at Natural Health and are happy to hand it out and there are becoming more out there too. With all the censorship on Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and the other Tech Giants, many of these Independent Media sources now have their own websites and cannot be censored. Of course, if you search for them on Google, you won’t find them so you must go to a search engine like DuckDuckGo or others to find out this information. Again we have those sources listed and will be happy to share those with you because it’s so important to be informed before you consent to any, but particularly any dangerous Medical Treatments.
Click here to read article from Dr. Mark
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well
Dr. Mark