How Is Your Digestion?

 Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation –

     I hope that you all enjoyed your weekend and got some of those little chores done that we need to do in Spring. It looks like we’re getting some rain that we need to get the grass growing and flowers blooming. I was enjoying the warm weather but it seems more normal now with it being a little cooler, as long as we stay away from the ice and snow. I always find it interesting that I’m looking forward to that first mowing of the grass and the great smell of fresh-cut grass but then about two months later, I’m over it. It’s amazing how the seasons change and as we get older, how fast they go.

     As we’re still in March, we’re talking about diet and digestion this month. The article that  I am enclosing is looking at the hormone disrupting chemicals in our environment. People don’t realize how much hormone balancing has to do with the digestive system. There are a lot of hormones that communicate different signals in the digestive tract and those must be balanced as well to get digestion to work correctly. We tend to forget that hormones do a lot more than just work on reproductive issues. This is another reason for understanding the gut and brain connection, or how you feel based on what you eat. Our society has many holidays on the calendar and this seems to set us up for  eating poorly and regaining bad habits that we may have gotten rid of previously. Saint Patrick’s Day is coming up this week and at least it has some good foods that  are a normal part of it, like corned beef and cabbage and sauerkraut. Green beer though, is not the best thing for our body – ha. You get the point though, that these holidays seem to set us up for continued bad habits and then poor health. The stats for the United States are not good with chronic health conditions and this is mainly all due to diet with the cofactor of Environmental toxins. At Natural Health, we strive to detox patients’ bodies and get them working correctly so that they can attain true natural health. We’re here to help you and yours so pass the word along and let’s get Healthy!

Click here to read article from Dr. Mark

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

– Dr. Mark