Seasonal Stress

            Well we had a great weekend for
December. We had some warmth and sunshine and not rain or snow. It’s great to
get dried out a little. Looks like the leaves are mostly down now and we can
get that final raking done. The increased number of Christmas lights on the
houses are telling us that season is coming soon. Hopefully you’re not
stressing out too much with the coming holidays.

            That’s a great lead into the topic
of this month here at Natural Health, which is handling Stress and Fatigue and
getting good Sleep. The article that I’ve included this week is on as SAD, or
seasonal effective disorder. This is basically about getting stressed and
depressed during the winter months. There’s a lot of good nutritional support
that we can help with and I like to have my patients go to the suntan bed once
a week, to get sunshine type light which activates the vitamin D which helps so
many things. It’s not about getting a suntan or overdoing it, just getting a little
light therapy.

            The big take away on this article is
to realize there are natural ways of helping get through the winter months
without taking medication. We see so many patients that are on many different
medications for different reasons and for the side effects of earlier
medications. We know that certain medications are necessary but only for a
short time and should never be used long-term as you’re still covering up the
underlying causes of whatever the problem is and you have a false sense of security
that the problem is gone. This is why all the degenerative disease rates are
going up in this country, even with all the money that is spent on
“Healthcare”. Again, in our mind, we are getting disease management in this
country and not true health care. At Natural Health, we are always concerned
with handling the underlying problems and working our patients toward real
health and optimum vitality. Not only is this healthier, but less expensive
than the deductibles of insurance based healthcare. As New Years is fast
approaching, it would be wise to make a resolution to have a healthier 2020. We
are here to help you and are looking forward to seeing you and yours soon.

Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well!

-Dr. Mark