Good day Natural Health Family. I imagine everyone had a good weekend with a little fun mixed in. It’s quite amazing to see that it is already close to mid August. This means many families and kids are getting back to school. With all this we want to make sure we give ourselves the best to keep us in good health. Instead of being so concerned about sickness or bugs out there, we can focus on our ability to stay healthy and keep our immune system in great shape.
When you think about sickness or issues such as say a virus what do you think of? Perhaps your mind goes to the Covid virus, maybe “catching a cold”, or even a “stomach bug.” When we think about it, many people have more intense symptoms and some did not have any when it comes to a virus. This is due to our bodies’ ability to adapt. What this means is that it was able to overcome whatever stress was put upon it and stay balanced and healthy. Many times we go quickly to the “bug” or virus that is attributed to the issue that a person is experiencing. However, we can also see that it was due to the adaptability of our body and that it was being overloaded or overwhelmed by factors such as stress. So when we are able to support ourselves and keep ourselves healthy we can be well throughout the year not wondering or waiting for illness.
Separate we are weak, together we are strong. To stay healthy we not only want to support our bodies but also to support each other. We know when we serve others we feel good which also helps support the health of ourselves. This week see how you can support someone whether a family member, friend, or stranger with a helping hand. Have a great week!
-Dr. Chip