GMOs, Pesticides, and Processed Foods: Their Impact on Gut Health

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

I hope that you enjoyed your weekend and am looking forward to a more Fall like weather.  The temperatures during the Fall are so nice but we’re all afraid of what comes afterwards.  I can’t believe all the Christmas decorations and things that are already out in the stores.  We haven’t even gotten through Halloween yet-ha.  We’re getting patients complaining about those pesky Fall allergies which I think are due mostly to all the dust and pollens from the farmers harvesting.  It’s all part of the fun.  We have several great products we use for sinus conditions than actually help the sinuses to work correctly rather than a medication to force them to not work and dry up the membranes.  If you’re concerned with health, you’re always wanting to work with the body and not against it.  Working against the body lends a person towards more disease processes and that’s not health.

The article that I’m sending along today looks at the connection of GMO foods, pesticides, and processed foods with irritable bowel syndrome and even worse bowel problems.  I think that pesticides can especially cause problems as they are an antibiotic and can kill off the intestinal flora, which is so important for normal bowel function and absorbing good nutrition that comes through the tube.  Production animals raised in captivity usually have lots of antibiotics thrown at them throughout their short lifespan so as to get them to market.  It’s a shame it has to be that way but that’s how farmers make money in that profession.  The GMO Foods are similar in that they are used to make money for farmers and that’s where they’re at right now, but hopefully better farming methods are around the corner, that are more nutritious and actually help to feed the body correctly.  Processed foods can even start with good foods, then the processing removes the nutritional value of the food and they usually add lots of sugar and salt to improve the taste and get consumers “hooked” on these foods. 

Another major part of this problem is the gut-brain connection that most people don’t realize is affected.  If you eat foods that disrupt the intestinal flora and irritate the bowel lining, it can really disrupt your thinking processes and cause you to be anxious, or depressed, or emotional, and the mainstream doctors don’t understand where this comes from.  They put people of all kind of medication but the problem is never handled and then you have to have a colonoscopy to find what the result of this bowel irritation is.  At Natural Health, our goals and purposes, are to find the underlying cause of the problem and get that handled so that there is no need for treatments and surgeries and medications.  Yes, I know that people have insurance to cover the cost of the treatments or surgeries, but many of those go awry.  Folks also have a hard time remembering that medical treatment is the fourth leading cause of death in this country, from misdiagnoses to medication abuse and misuse.  Let’s find the underlying cause of health issues and get that handled so people are healthy and feel good and can think clearly, rather than being dragged into a zombie state. 

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark