The Myth: How Lowering Cholesterol May Harm Your Health

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

What a beautiful weekend!  With the weekend weather being so nice and the temperatures being great, it seems counterintuitive to wish for different weather but it is so dry.  We could sure use some rain for the moisture, and the other benefit would be to clean the dust and pollen out of the air.  We’re having many people complained of problems with hydration and allergy and sinus issues.  I’m afraid that us wishing for it though, will end up turning on the tap, and we won’t be able to shut it back off.  It would take quite a bit of rain for us to get too much so maybe we’ll have a short rainy spell and then have Indian summer after that.  It seems like most years, the weather turns bad around Halloween so that the poor trick or treaters are running around out in the rain, but then we move into November and have what us old people call “Indian summer” with some really nice weather for several weeks.  I was noticing this morning driving into work how the trees are turning but they haven’t lost their leaves yet so we have time to enjoy some good Fall weather.  Better enjoy it while it’s here-ha.

The article than sending along today looks at the realization that forcing cholesterol numbers down too low is not heart healthy but actually heart damaging.  Cholesterol is usually raised by the body because of inflammatory processes and forcing that number down with medication is not healthy.  Again, I like to use the term “disease management” because that’s all they’re doing here, not helping with the actual underlying cause of the problem, but forcing a number down without care for the reason that it’s there.  Another part of this cholesterol debacle, is that the brain is 60 to 80% cholesterol by weight so forcing a reduction in cholesterol is behind this explosion in the number of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, maybe even Parkinson’s disease too.  I realize that it is making lots of money for somebody but patients health is taking the brunt of this cholesterol myth and this needs to be rectified.  There is not good science that gives any kind of benefit to lowering cholesterol numbers as low as they can go.  On the contrary, more good papers are coming out about keeping cholesterol numbers up and even some papers looking at the higher the cholesterol number, the better the health outcomes are for that patient.  

This cholesterol nonsense has been going on ever since president Eisenhower’s heart attack all those decades ago.  The powers that be need to look at the health outcomes more than the financial bottom line for drug companies.  It seems like more and more people are waking up to the fact that this country has terrible health outcomes but spends more on Health Care than any other nation in the world by far.  Medication is not nutrition and does not ever help the body to be healthy, just controlling symptoms.  Again, we’re back to the conversation on disease management as compared to real Health Care.  Alternative health doctors have to be in charge of this because mainstream medicine is captured but big Pharma and all its money.  It’s really a shame for the average Joe who trusts the white coat but keeps getting sicker and sicker.  At Natural Health, we’re trying to change this one patient at a time. 

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

– Dr. Mark