Magnesium: The Key to Healthy Aging and True Wellness

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

“It’s beginning to look a lot like winter”.  What a cold and windy weekend.  For all those out there that love to see snow, you’re getting your wish.  I know that it looks pretty and all but it sure is cold.  This time of year lends us all to have more stress in our lives.  The weather is part of it but with the holidays, there’s so much going on and it seems like so little time to get it all done.  We have a great nutritional supplement here at Natural Health called Drenamin.  This product helps the adrenal glands, which are your stress handling glands, to help the body not feel stressed.  It also has a lot of vitamin C complex in it to help the immune system not have problems either.  This is especially important as we handle all the cold weather along with the stress of daily living, which during the holidays, it can be quite substantial.  We have many other nutritional supplements to help handle stress too.  Another good example is our product called Kava complex.  This product helps to work like coffee, but just the opposite, it helps the body to be able to calm down without a drug effect.  We’re here to help you be healthy and have a great holiday experience.

The article that I am sending along today looks at the connection of magnesium and anti-aging.  It’s an interesting article that goes into explaining why the cells need this mineral to work correctly and be able to have energy to repair and replace itself.  Our point that we make here at Natural Health, basically over and over, is that we need ALL the good minerals to help our bodies work correctly.  Not only that, but they must be in the right form for our bodies to be able to absorb them and utilize them correctly.  An example of this is that our bodies cannot utilize scrapings of rust as an iron supplement but it must first be turned into a form in plants that our bodies can utilize. 

Another big part of this conversation is the body’s ability to digest and absorb these minerals from the gut.  Minerals must be absorbed in an acid environment and people that eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, or are taking proton pump inhibitors, like Prilosec, or take Tums as an ant-acid, do not absorb minerals, or other nutrients, very Well.  The people selling all of these vitamins and a miracle cures, never seem to explain to people that digestion and absorption are just as important as the nutrients.  This is why at Natural Health, we use a testing method to find out from the body what it actually needs, and how much.  We actually save people money because we can have them take only what is efficient for their body to be healthy.  We are working toward actual health of the body and not just disease management, which is what medication/drugs do. 

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well!

-Dr. Mark