Hello again Natural Health Family. I wish everyone the best and imagine you all had a great week. I am reminded as I learn more of myself and life what simplicity can bring when it comes to our health. Although we live in a time where life seems fast-paced and stressful all around, we can take a step back and realize our potential to be healthy. Our body is intelligent, however, we have been told or taught otherwise.
Do you realize all that your body does for you? Take a moment and contemplate all the functions your body does for you without you even being aware of it. You would think that there is at least something at work that is helping our body to perform certain functions to keep us not only alive but healthy. It’s true, health is a normal state and our body’s natural tendency is to find balance, harmony, and stay well. When this is not the case then we can see that we are out of alignment or imbalanced in some way that our body is failing to adapt to. With that said, what is the common story that we have been told for many years? That we are victims of our genes and that we are doomed to a health destiny that we have no power over. That we can’t take the necessary steps to redirect our course and to get healthy again. The assumption that we need so many chemicals (drugs) because our bodies and our genes just don’t work very well to keep us healthy. This my friends is where we have been led astray. Where we have either been lied to or mistakenly have been taught and now we can see the effects in our country and the world around us.
Let’s shift this understanding, not to fear sickness or dis-ease, but to understand and respect the intelligence within us. To take our power back. To again live life healthy and happy as it is meant to be.
– Dr. Chip