Christmas Time


Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

            Did you get your Christmas shopping
done over the weekend? It wasn’t a bad weekend weather-wise but it’s definitely
colder than we like. It still isn’t too bad though as there is not tons of snow
on the ground or ice. I really can’t believe that we only have one full week
before Christmas week. Where does time go? Hopefully you will have some time
off from work and be able to enjoy Christmas time with friends and family and
just relax a bit. It’s a great time of year to look at your health status and
see what needs improving. At Natural Health, we help to educate our patients to
understand what it takes to be healthy and have energy and be able to enjoy
life. There are lots of things to do nutritionally to control anxiety and
depression, a common problem this time of year. We can help.

            The article that I’m including today
looks at a very simple approach but one that is ignored in the mainstream media
and in mainstream medicine much of the time. Vitamin D is necessary for many
functions of the body but most people are deficient. The question to ask is
why? Could it be that the medical people have told us to stay away from fats
for so long? Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and is available in good
sources of fats and oils, like coconut oil or butter. Could it also be that mainstream
medicine tells us to stay out of the sun? Sunlight helps to convert vitamin D
into an active form in our bodies and why, believe it or not, we support the
use of suntan bed’s during the wintertime, in moderation of course. Another
problem with us getting enough is that as an oil soluble vitamin, the liver
must be able to digest and absorb it. Many people out there have livers that
are full of toxins, the reason that allergies are so rampant. If you can’t
absorb these oils, you’ll be deficient in vitamin D, along with vitamin A, E,
and K. At Natural Health, we work hard to make sure our patients are digesting
and absorbing whatever foods and supplements they are consuming. It’s a bigger
task than you may think with so many people taking ant-acids or being
prescribed proton pump inhibitors. Unfortunately, mainstream medicine chases
symptoms and doesn’t look for underlying causes, which is our specialty at Natural

            Wishing everyone a very Merry
Christmas and happy New Year and please don’t stress out about gifts this

Patient Testimony: Before coming to see Dr. Mark
I was covered in eczema, a disease I have battled all my life and it was
getting worse the older I got. It began to affect more than my skin and I felt
fatigued and had GI upset almost every day. I had to see two different
dermatologists, an allergist and a holistic MD and the solution was always
steroids or allergy shots. I felt hopeless and fed up! I wanted to cure myself
not suppress the problem.

I am absolutely on the road to recovery! The
eczema on my face has completely vanished and the rest is better than it has
been in years! Right away with the first month of seeing Dr. Mark I was able to
rid myself of my fatigue and GI problems. Along the way, I have also picked up
useful diet tips that have made me feel great; such as giving up gluten and
drastically decreasing my white sugar intake!

Click here to read articles from Dr. Mark

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark