Welcome back Natural Health Family. What a weekend with food, friends, and family. I am thankful to be where I am at and to be able to serve all of who I can at Natural Health. When we think of being thankful typically it is about when we receive something. Usually, this is due to society making us think that we need so many things to be grateful. However, we know that we can give thanks even with the smallest of things. In terms of health, many times we people can fall into trying to push away the problem, to fight the issue, or to get rid of whatever the circumstance. When we flip the script from fixing issues to creating solutions we are able to open ourselves up to new possibilities.
When an artist is making a painting do they ever think that there is an issue with not the right colors available or the canvas doesn’t work? No, they use what they can and create a work of art that is unique to whatever style fits their creativity. Or how about when a contractor wants to build something? When they get the design figured out do they focus on if the parts are not in yet or do they do what they can at the moment and wait until the other parts are there? Like life, we are creating things all the time, whether a Thanksgiving meal, another opportunity, art, practicing a skill, or health and healing. It is amazing what we can do when we keep our eyes set on what we intend to create and allow the pieces to fall into place.
This holiday season we come up against many different challenges and opportunities to create what it is we want in life. We can either use life’s issues and justify all that’s wrong or we can choose to create more enjoyable experiences with our friends and family. We can choose to see the good in things which allows us to maintain our peace and health throughout the holiday season. Have a blessed week!
– Dr. Chip