Hi Everyone at Natural Health! I would like to keep this message short. As we head into the week after the holiday Memorial Day celebration it is up to us to make the most of what we have in our lives. We remember those who served and passed because we are able to live our lives now.
This holiday weekend reminds us of the hardships that many faced in the past. Although tragic and saddening, the battles were fought for us to live and enjoy what we have now. When we think of relative terms we can see that some of the many things that we take for granted now we still may get stressed out about later. What our brothers and sisters had to go through in the past helps us realize that life can be a gift if we choose to see it that way. Of course there are times where we get caught up in the mundane or the small peculiarities which cause further issues. Nonetheless, it is our ability to see the bigger picture and let go of small or insignificant problems knowing that life tends to work itself out if we let it.
Wherever you are in life I hope you can take a breath, focus on what you can do, and remember that life can be short so live it the best you can. Of course we all die in this life, but those who fought and died were able to help us with that opportunity or you could say that gift of a life well lived. God bless and have a great week!
Dr. Chip