Federal Judge’s Landmark Ruling on Fluoride Sparks New Conversation on Water Safety and Public Health

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

Another great weekend but it’s starting to look more like Fall.  Some of the tree leaves are turning and even falling off but I think it has to do more with the lack of rain than the temperatures.  It looks like this week we’ll be a little cooler but still pretty nice.  Most everyone I’ve talked to in the office likes the Fall weather, but just not what comes after.  I would have to agree.  As I get older, I like the cold weather less and less.  We’ll just have to enjoy the Fall like weather we have now and hope that winters a long way off yet.  We’re getting reports of people having colds and sore throats, partly I think because of the dry weather and dust and pollen in the air.  Don’t forget that we have great products here at Natural Health, to help your immune system to stay strong and even if you do “catch a bug”, you’ll have no problem getting over it and back to normal.

The article than sending along today looks at the monumental decision of a federal judge saying that the benefits of fluoride in the water does not outweigh the risks and problems associated with it.  This is especially important for children, who are having ADHD problems and for all children in that the use of this chemical can lower their IQs throughout the population.  This is something that us natural health people have been railing on for decades already, but the powers that be, especially the American dental association, is all behind this use of fluoride in the water, even though they cannot control the amount that people are exposed to.  This is especially important in children because they’re using fluoride toothpaste from the dentist, getting fluoride treatments from the dentist, and drinking water that has fluoride in it.  For anyone that understands how the body works, this has to be one of the stupidest things that has been done in America to all of the population.  I’ve talked to so many people over the years trying to get them off of city water because of the chlorine and fluoride problems.  I use a big Berkey at home which takes the fluoride, and all the chemicals, out of the water so that it is actually safe to drink. 

 One of the biggest problems I see in my office is the lack of hydration, which is a simple thing to take care of, but the water must be clean, and taste halfway decent, for people to drink it.  When the water tastes like chlorine and has fluoride in it, I understand why people don’t want to drink it.  An example is this is the other day I was in the grocery store and a man in the electric scooter was checking out and had the cart basket lined with diet mountain dew, which is probably one of the worst things you could drink.  It may taste good to him but is probably one of the reasons why he’s in the electric wheelchair.  I was so happy to see this judge’s ruling and I hope that more and more light is shown on all these chemicals and things in our air, water, and food.  One of our biggest chores here at Natural Health, is to help detoxify our patients’ bodies so that they can actually work correctly and be actually healthy.  Ingesting all these chemicals and crappy foods, leads towards lots of degenerative disease, that is being covered up with all the medication sold to us by big Pharma.  This is not health; this is disease management.  

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark