Welcome back Natural Health Family. What a great weekend being that it was nice and cool… Of course, I am joking a little knowing that it was a warm one. However, sometimes we can get caught in the complaining of the weather even though we have been wanting it to warm up since the winter. Although it can get hot and humid, especially in the midwest summer months here, we can choose to appreciate what is. Let’s talk about our focus and why it’s important in our day to day.
Have you ever wanted to buy a new car and as you looked up all the details, you started to see more on the road or even in other places? This is because our brains are wired to pick up information from our environment on what we are most focused on. Like a child that has a hard time focusing in class, because I would assume that it is much more fun to be playing outside, that his or her brain is sending signals of fun but he or she is stuck in the classroom. Just like adults, sometimes we have to do things that we perhaps don’t want to do at the time we can change our focus. When we give a new meaning to something we can help ourselves enjoy the activity rather than be opposed to it. We all know it is much easier to learn something when we can make it more fun. So as stated before, instead of complaining about the weather (and it’s ok from time to time, we all can do it), we can switch our focus on the new experiences we have such as the sun shining on our faces. To not just go through the day but to take time to take in the moment whether that is a hot day or not.
So take this as a reminder. A reminder to pause at times to take it all in. To enjoy more of the little things. To see and experience life a little more than just getting through the day. To let go of all the shoulds and have tos allowing life to unfold in different ways. Look for the good this week and see what life offers.
-Dr. Chip