Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-
I hope that you enjoyed your weekend and wasn’t put out too much by the bad weather. It is January you know, so we can expect some snow and cold temperatures. Hopefully we can all get past the stress of the holiday season and stay healthy. Two things to be aware of here at Natural Health. The first is that we have a lot of great whole food nutritional supplements here to help with colds and flu that people have picked up over the holidays due to some of the bad food choices and all their relatives coughing on them. The second is that our patient advocate-Erin, has successfully completed her first set up Advanced Clinical Training in Nutrition Response Testing. This means that she has the experience and ability to test nutritional patients here at Natural Health. We are so excited to have Erin become a practitioner and be able to help me help more patients. She has been following me around for years so knows a lot about the testing of nutritional patients, but the paperwork now is complete so she will be able to put all this knowledge into practice. Watch for more news on Erin’s integration into the practice side of Natural Health.
The article that I’m sending along looks at the $800,000,000,000 wasted on “Health Care” in this country. I’ve said it before, but we spend twice as much on “Health Care” than any other country with some of the poorest outcomes of any other country. This is because the definition of “Health Care” is not correct. In this country we practice disease management where people who have a disease, a symptom, or condition, are treated with medications and treatments which are not always working towards the patient’s best interest with actual true health. We’re trying to change that here at Natural Health but it is a slow process treating one patient at a time. I’m hoping that the new administration coming in, highlights the need for a change of purpose and the medical field. Not the one currently in places where money is king, but actually looking at an individual person’s needs and the finding out the underlying cause of the problem, which is usually diet and environment.
We have successfully treated thousands of patients here at Natural Health with all kind of disease processes. It’s not about treating the disease or the symptom, but looking at what that body needs to be able to heal itself. Many times this comes down to removing the barriers that are keeping the nervous system from coordinating the body’s healing efforts. An example of this, that we see very often, is heavy metal toxicity due to the mercury fillings people have in their teeth. Many times people try to eat better or take vitamin pills and it doesn’t work because of these barriers that we can find here at Natural Health. This is another great reason why getting Erin trained to be a practitioner will be so helpful to the community.
As we start into the new year, many people have health goals that there working at, like weight loss and improved energy. You can take medication or drink energy drinks, but this does not help a person toward’s health, especially in the long term. We want our patients to be healthy and happy with vibrant energy and no fear of future problems. This is a different Health Care paradigm that you may not be used to, but it’s the way of the future, I believe (and hope).
Read the article: The US Health Care System Wastes $800 Billion Annually
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well
-Dr. Mark