Hello Everyone and Natural Health Nation –
Another great weekend and I hope you were able to get some sunshine and fresh air. I’m still working on keeping a good tan so I can build my vitamin D levels and I hope you were able to do the same. It sure is great to have green grass this late Into Summer even though mowing it is a pain, but it sure looks nice to have everything green and growing yet. i just saw an article about 77 different sunscreens that are known to have carcinogenic agents in them and some more have to be pulled from the shelves which I think is interesting. We only use coconut oil sometimes before but especially after exposure to the Sun to help the skin heal itself. We also don’t stay out in the sun long enough to get a burn but just a good dose of good sunshine. This is going to be needed more than ever after all this vaccine junk going on this winter.
This week during our health shop we are talking about Hydration and Exercise. We are starting to see many people have problems with hydration as most folks think this is just about drinking water but you must have the electrolytes with it for hydration to be effective. This means sea salt or mineral salt in the diet or electrolytes of different forms, but not things full of sugar that make hydration worse. Using good quality sea salt or mineral salt to help with hydration it’s such a simple thing but we’ve been brainwashed for years to think that salt causes high blood pressure so many people won’t touch the stuff. It’s unfortunate and we’re seeing a lot of this bad information from mainstream medicine in this covid thing. This goes right along with the article that I’ve included looking at the real data coming in on a lot of this covid stuff and vaccine stuff and how it is actually harming people. I hope you have been able to look at some Independent Media sources to make a good decision on what to do in your own life. Dr. Mercola is a great source of information as you know from the Articles I’ve sent during these emails. Another great source is thehighwire.com with Del bigtree plus many others that we have a list of and we hand out to our patients. I think this is a good byproduct of the covid stuff going on in that there are becoming more and more Independent Media sources as the big Tech censorship has really shown people that you can’t rely on mainstream media for true and factual information. It’s the silver lining in the cloud I think.
Click here to read article from Dr. Mark
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well
Dr. Mark