This is a special email Alert for those who have the time and are interested. We are losing our Medical freedom in this state quickly and now is the time to act. Please look at the following information and contact your Congressman to oppose these two bills. Some of the links are a bit off and some of the email addresses are actually websites that you have to click on “Contact Us” and then send your message. At Natural Health, we are not anti vax but are pro Health. Parents should be able to make an informed decision about how their children are treated. We deal with kids that are vaccine damaged in the office and know that it’s not all ” wine and roses” in the vaccine world. Please take a minute or two to express your opinion to your congressmen.
Here is a sample of the letter I sent to mine –
I am writing today to express my opposition to 2 bills that are being considered. These are HB 4870 and SB 3688. I will not debate at this time that vaccines are safe and effective as the science is clearly not conclusive. My main concern at this time, is the intrusion of government into private freedom of choice, not only of the individual constituent of this state but of the parents who must deal with the consequences of forced vaccination. These laws would be bad enough if only forced on public schools, but have no place in private schools and especially homeschooled children. These laws also have links to other totalitarian aspects like the repeal of the Mercury free vaccine act. These laws are direct violations of any type of personal freedoms that we should enjoy in this country and clearly eliminate any decision-making by parents who can and should be informed as to the pros and cons, the benefits and the harm, done by vaccines.
Thank you in advance for considering my opinion and opposing these bills.
I received a reply by Senator Steans and this was my rebuttal –
Dear Senator Steans,
Thank you for replying to my letter so quickly. While I understand your comments and it all may seem simple and right to just force vaccinations on everybody, I’d like to address these points for your consideration.
First, about the measles outbreak, from the news reports I’ve seen, most, if not all, of those kids were vaccinated which brings up 2 important points. One is that you can’t force an immune system to work in a child or adult if it has no immune system to develop, or in simpler terms, no nutritional “foods” to build immunity. There then becomes this false reliance on vaccines and no emphasis on good health and nutrition. The second is that many vaccines are not effective and are dangerous to certain kids. ( I will add references at the end of this reply).
Second, there are no referenced studies that show forcing all kids to be vaccinated increases there overall health benefits and it is quite the contrary, why the Taxpayers have spent Billions at the Vaccine Injury Court. The forced vaccinations may make the numbers look good but the long term health benefits are never studied. The uptick of shingles cases is an example of not developing good immunity to the chickenpox virus.
Third, a mandatory registration system, with “appropriate interventions”, sounds like something the Gestapo would do to enforce the governments will on children, by passing the parents decisions who are educated about the side effects of vaccines.
And Fourth, Have you asked yourself why the number of Religious exemptions has went up? For one thing it’s the only exemption we have left. Secondly, these parents have made the decision to not get vaccinated based on facts, and it takes effort to get these exemptions. They are not just being lazy or something but have considered all the info and are informed. It’s much easier to just give in, follow the crowd, and get vaccinated. This parallels the increase in home schooled kids as well.
If you truly want healthier children, I hope you will take the time to review all the facts, not just the sales literature from the drug and vaccine manufacturers. I am not anti vax but I do believe there are reasons to not get vaccinated. Is a SIDS case, or all the kids with autism, or those that have died from vaccines being factored into this legislation? Thank you in advance for considering this information. Please see the references attached and here is an example of vaccine problems from a Chicago native that I ran across today-
I also included this Book list for her review –
Understanding Vaccines Booklist
1. Bechanp or Pastuer – A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology; by Ethel D. Hume ( the history of how it all started and why)
2. Gut and Psychological Syndrome ; by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD
3. Millers Review of Critical Vaccine Studies; by Dr. Neil Z Miller
4. Dissolving Illusions – Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History (Dr. Marks Favorite) ; by Suzanne Hunphries, MD
5. Vaccines : Are they safe and effective? ; by Dr. Neil Z Miller
6. A Shot in the Dark ; by Harris L Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher
Thanks for your help!!!
Natural Health Quincy
Dr. Mark Holtschlag, DC, DACBN, DCBCN
Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Master Clinician of Nutrition Response Testing
Natural Health
2000 Jefferson, Quincy, IL, 62301
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From: Illinois Prairie State Chiropractic Association <>
Sent: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 17:47:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Legislative Alert -Medical Freedom Is At Risk
From: Illinois Prairie State Chiropractic Association <>
Sent: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 17:47:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Legislative Alert -Medical Freedom Is At Risk