Spirit of the Holidays

 Welcome back Natural Health Family! It seems like it has been a fast year with everything going on. We had our office Christmas party over the weekend and allowed me to reflect on all that this year has been. Today I wanted to give my appreciation and say thank you to all who have been with us throughout the year. Sometimes we just must stop, take a step back, and realize how extraordinary life really is.

How has this year been for you? Have you had ups and downs? Have you had big accomplishments? Any fun moments that really stood out? Many times, going through life we can be in different phases such as accomplishing big feats, graduating school, starting a family, starting a business, going through loss, etc. However, sometimes we forget all that led up to that point. We can forget the small little things that really help to keep us moving in the right direction. Whether it was a kind gesture from a stranger, a random call from a helpful friend, a gift from a family member, having coffee with a friend, or just appreciating all the things that life has given us, many times it is the little things that make a big difference. It can be random acts of kindness that makes the world go round.

Today I encourage you in the spirit of the holidays to reach out to someone you know, to help someone out during the week, or even just a smile or wave to someone who may seem to be struggling. While technology may allow us to connect with others, don’t let it stop you from really seeing how you can lift up people around you. Have a great week and happy holidays to those who I know are celebrating early!

Dr. Chip