Strengthening Your Immune System

Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

            What a glorious weekend, some of the
best weather we’ve had so far this year. It’s so great to see everything
greened up and growing. The temperatures were great and this week looks good too.
Even the humidity has come down and it’s enjoyable to be outside. Make sure and
get out and get that good vitamin D from the sunshine and breathe the fresh
air. It’s also good to walk around barefoot in the grass for the grounding
effect. Such a wonderful time of year and great time to work on being healthy.

            We are into men’s health month in
June but the information we send out goes for women too. The topic of the
health shop tonight is men’s cancers and top issues. Cancer, of course, is a
problem with the immune system and that goes right along with this pandemic
business and our need to keep the immune system working correctly and
strengthened. UNS has sent us a little booklet on strengthening the immune
system that I’m including, and you can pass along to your friends and
relatives, that quickly explains how to help the immune system be stronger.
There is talk about the 2nd wave business and I want to make sure
everyone I talk to has the chance to get their immune system working well
before we head towards the cold and flu season. As most information that comes
from the web, the little booklet has very general but practical information.
With our Nutrition Response Testing technique, we can get very specific as to
what your individual immune system needs are and help you to rectify any
problems. For any of those folks you talk to that don’t know what we do here at
Natural Health, we have free consultations available to discuss our options and
give them a taste of what we do to help folks be healthy and well.

            One of our major purposes at Natural
Health, is to change the healthcare paradigm from that of disease management,
that we have now with the insurance model, to one of actual true health and
vibrant energy. The present system of healthcare is definitely inadequate as
half of the US population is overweight and a 3rd is diabetic. Heart
disease and cancer are still major mortality risks and even medical care is the
number 4 cause. Strong medications with major side effects are not health
promoting. Whole foods and a good diet with stress reduction are! 

Click here to read about Strengthening Your Immune System 

Get Healthy,
Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark